Table of Contents
Preview #
About #
GraffitiControlGroup is an extraordinarily powerful component that allows you to combine any conceivable UI elements in to a single vertical or horizontal bar. The component is extremely customizable and each GraffitiControlGroupItem has extended options and functionality.
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Directions | Horizontal Vertical |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Action | item as GraffitiControlGroupButton itemIndex as Integer | None | Raised when the users presses a GraffitiControlGroupButtom. If that button has an associated menu and one of those menu items was selected, itemIndex is the index of that menu item. |
ItemMouseEnter | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Raised when the user’s mouse cursor enters item’s area. |
ItemMouseExit | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Raised when the user’s mouse cursor exits the item’s area. |
MouseEnter | None | None | Raised when the user’s mouse cursor enters the control’s area. |
MouseExit | None | None | Raised when the user’s mouse cursor exits the control’s area. |
ValueChange | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Raised when the value of a ControlGroupItem that acts as a method of input (TextArea, TextField, Listbox, Checkbox, etc) has changed. |
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Add | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Adds a new GraffitiControlGroupItem to the end of to group. |
AddAt | index as Integer item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Adds a new GraffitiControlItem at the specified index within the group. |
IndexOf | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | Integer | Returns the index position of the specified item within the group. |
ItemAt | index as Integer | GraffitiControlGroupItem | Returns the item at the specified index position within the group. |
LastIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of last item within the group. |
Remove | item as GraffitiControlGroupItem | None | Removes the specified item from the group. |
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all items from the group. |
RemoveAt | index as Integer | None | Removes the item at the specified index position from the group. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
Direction | Directions | Directions.Horizontal | Determines whether the group will be displayed vertically or horizontally. |