Table of Contents
Subclass of GraffitiControlGroupItem
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
EnterKeyHints | Enter Done Go NextFocus PreviousFocus Search Send |
States | Unvalidated Valid Invalid |
Types | Text Color Date DateTime DateTimeLocal Month Number Password Search Telephone Time URL Week |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Add | item as String | None | Adds a new string value to the end of to group. |
AddAt | index as Integer item as String | None | Adds a new string value at the specified index within the button’s menu. |
Constructor | text as String | None | Creates a new instance of the class. |
IndexOf | item as String | Integer | Returns the index position of the specified string value within the button’s menu. |
ItemAt | index as Integer | String | Returns the string value at the specified index position within the button’s menu. |
LastIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of last string value within the button’s menu. |
Remove | item as String | None | Removes the specified string value from the button’s menu. |
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all string values from the button’s menu. |
RemoveAt | index as Integer | None | Removes the string value at the specified index position from the button’s menu. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
EnterKeyHint | EnterKeyHints | Enter | Type of enter key to display in on-screen keyboards. |
Indicators | WebSDKUIControl.Indicators | Default | Indicator applied to the field. |
Label | String | “” | Label text to display for the field. |
Mask | String | “” | Mask applied to the field’s input value. |
MaxLength | Integer | 0 | Maximum length of value the user is permitted to enter. |
MaxValue | Integer | 0 | Maximum integer value the user is permitted to enter. Only applies to some field types in some browsers. Causes validation everywhere. |
MinValue | Integer | 0 | Minimum integer value the user is permitted to enter. Only applies to some field types in some browsers. Causes validation everywhere. |
Pattern | String | “” | RegEx pattern to use for validation. |
PatternControlsState | Boolean | False | When True, the validation of the value using the Pattern RegEx will determine the state of the field. |
Placeholder | String | “” | Placeholder text. |
ReadOnly | Boolean | False | When True, users will be unable to modify the text of the field. |
Required | Boolean | False | Determines if a value is required for this control. |
State | States | Unvalidated | Visual state applied to the control. |
Text | String | “” | Value of the field. |
Type | Types | Text | The type of field displayed. |