Table of Contents
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Locales | EN |
DE | |
ES | |
IT | |
NL | |
RO | |
RU | |
ToolbarPositions | Bottom |
Top | |
Views | Calendar |
Clock | |
Months | |
Years | |
Decades |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
FocusLost | None | None | Raised when the user has moved focus from the input field. |
FocusReceived | None | None | Raised when the input field has received focus. |
MouseEnter | None | None | Raised when the mouse has entered the input field’s display area. |
MouseExit | None | None | Raised when the mouse has been moved to outside the input field’s display area. |
PickerHidden | None | None | Raised when the picker popup has been hidden. |
PickerShown | None | None | Raised when the picker popup has been shown. |
ValueChanged | None | None | Raised when the user has changed the current value via the picker. |
ValueInvalid | text as String | None | Raised when value of the field is an invalid date for the current locale. |
ViewChanged | None | None | Raised when the user has changed the current view via the picker. |
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
DisableDate | date as DateTime | None | Disables selection of the specified date. |
DisableDayOfWeek | day as Integer | None | Disables the specified day of the week. Expects zero-based index beginning with Sunday. |
DisableHours | hour as Integer | None | |
EnableDate | date as DateTime | None | Enables selection of a previously disabled date. |
EnableDayOfWeek | day as Integer | None | Enables selection of a previously disabled day. |
EnableHour | hour as Integer | None | Enables selection of a previously disabled hour. |
PickerHide | None | None | Hides the picker popup. |
PickerShow | None | None | Shows the picker popup. |
PickerToggle | None | None | Toggles the picker popup’s visibility. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AllowsTextInput | Boolean | True | When False, the user will not be allowed to enter text in the control’s input field. |
CanViewCalendar | Boolean | True | When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. |
CanViewClock | Boolean | True | When False, the clock switch icon will not be displayed in the toolbar, barring the user from editing the time. |
CanViewDate | Boolean | True | When False, the date switch icon will not be displayed in the toolbar, barring the user from exiting the time picker. |
CanViewDecades | Boolean | True | When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. |
CanViewMonth | Boolean | True | When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. |
CanViewYear | Boolean | True | When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. |
Format | String | “” | Format applied to values in the picker’s input area. See Moment.js Docs |
HasButtonClear | Boolean | True | When False, the clear button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. |
HasButtonClose | Boolean | True | When False, the close button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. |
HasButtonToday | Boolean | True | When False, the today button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. |
HasTimeHours | Boolean | True | Controls visibility of this component of the selector. |
HasTimeMeridiem | Boolean | True | Controls visibility of this component of the selector. |
HasTimeMinutes | Boolean | True | Controls visibility of this component of the selector. |
HasTimeSeconds | Boolean | True | Controls visibility of this component of the selector. |
HasWeekNumbers | Boolean | False | When True, week numbers will be displayed to the right of each week in the calendar day chooser. |
IconButton | String | “fas fa-calendar-alt” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display in the control’s selector button. |
IconClear | String | “fas fa-trash” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconClose | String | “fas fa-times” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconDate | String | “fas fa-calendar” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconDown | String | “fas fa-arrow-down” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconNext | String | “fas fa-chevron-right” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconPrevious | String | “fas fa-chevron-left” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconTime | String | “fas fa-clock” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconToday | String | “fas fa-calendar-check” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IconUp | String | “fas fa-arrow-up” | FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. |
IndicatorButton | WebUIControl.Indicators | Default | Bootstrap indicator to apply to the component’s picker button. |
IndicatorField | WebUIControl.Indicators | Default | Bootstrap indicator to apply to the component’s field. |
Locale | Locales | Locales.EN | Pre-built locale to use for display text. |
Maximum | DateTime | Nil | Maximum date/time that can be selected. |
Mask | String | “” | Mask applied to text input. |
Minimum | DateTime | Nil | Minimum date/time that can be selected. |
ShowSideBySide | Boolean | False | When True, the date and time pickers will be shown side-by-side in the popup. |
StyleButton | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle applied to the button within the control’s primary UI. |
StyleField | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle applied to the field within the control’s primary UI. |
ToolbarPlacement | ToolbarPositions | Bottom | Location of the toolbar in the picker’s popup. |
Value | DateTime | Nil | Current value of the component. |
View | Views | Calendar | Current view of the component. |
ViewValue (READONLY) | DateTime | Nil | Starting date of the current view. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
There are no notes for this object.
Mask Definitions #
Character | Accepted Inputs |
a | Alpha character (a-z, A-Z) |
9 | Numeric character (0-9) |
* | Alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) |
? | Anything after the question mark is considered optional, and the MaskComplete event will fire with or without that section being filled. |
Example for US DateTime:
99/99/9999, 99:99? aa
Manual Data Entry #
While not encouraged, manual data entry is supported. Your project will need to appropriately handle any invalid values supplied in the ValueInvalid event.
ValueInvalid Event #
When the ValueInvalid event is raised, the current Value property is not automatically cleared allowing for easily resetting the value to the control using a line such as:
me.Value = me.Value
In instances where you wish to clear the previous value in this event, you may use the following:
me.Value = Nil