Updating GraffitiSuite

Table of Contents #

To upgrade GraffitiSuite Web in your projects, please follow these steps:

  1. Always backup your project before attempting an in-place upgrade
  2. Download the latest version of GraffitiSuite from the Account page.
  3. Open the project you wish to update.
  4. Select the App object in your project.
  5. Save and close your project.
  6. Reopen your project.
  7. Delete the GraffitiSuite folder from your project (or the GraffitiSuite classes you’ve added elsewhere).
  8. From the extracted download, open the demo project.
  9. In the demo project, copy the GraffitiSuite folder.
  10. In your project, paste the previously copied GraffitiSuite folder.
  11. Save and close your project.
  12. Delete your previous scripts directory
  13. Place the scripts directory from the downloaded package where your previous scripts directory was, and ensure that your build steps point to the correct directory.
  14. Reopen your project.

Notes #

Required Classes #

The following classes must be present in all projects that rely on GraffitiSuite products:

  • GraffitiControlWrapper
  • GraffitiUpdateInterface
  • GraffitiHTMLExporter

Version Mixing #

You should never version mix GraffitiSuite components. Between versions, changes in the scripts directory are common and attempting mix different versions of components – even if unrelated – can cause a number of issues including Javascript exceptions. To update one, you should update all.

Issues in Deployment not seen in Debug #

This is a common issue when not updating the scripts directory on your server, especially when using the CDN functionality. Your first step when you see a problem in a deployed app that you did not experience in debug should be to verify that your scripts directory on the server is fully up-to-date.

The next most common cause is browser caching. You should always clear your browser cache, either for your deployed site or all sites, after making changes to the scripts folder. The script files are cached by the browser and you may experience issues with your project. Steps to do so may be found in this article by PCMag.