
Enumerations #

This object exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This object exposes no constants.

Events #

This object exposes no events.

Methods #

This object exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AccuracyDouble0Estimated distance in meters from the specified latitude and longitude.
AltitudeDouble0Altitude in meters relative to sea level.
AltitudeAccuracyDouble0Estimated distances in meters from the specified altitude.
HeadingDouble0Returns a double representing the direction towards which the device is facing. This value, specified in degrees, indicates how far off from heading true north the device is. 0 degrees represents true north, and the direction is determined clockwise (which means that east is 90 degrees and west is 270 degrees). If speed is 0, heading is 0. If the device is unable to provide heading information, this value is null.
LatitudeDouble0Current latitude.
LongitudeDouble0Current longitude.
SpeedDouble0Returns a double representing the velocity of the device in meters per second.
TimeStampDateTimeNilValue representing when the snapshot of the user’s current location was retrieved.