
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.  

Events #

CellChangeRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when the value of a cell has been edited by the user.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
NewValue as Variant
CellClickRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when the user clicks a cell.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
pageX as Integer
pageY as Integer
CelDoubleClickRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when the user double-clicks a cell.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
CellMouseEnterrow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when the mouse enters a grid cell.
column as GraffitiGridColumn)
CellMouseExitrow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when the mouse exits a grid cell.
column as GraffitiGridColumn)
ColumnResizedColumn as GraffitiGridColumnFired when a column is resized in the display by the user.
ColumnsReorderedNoneFired when the columns are reordered by the end-user. Use methods to determine new order.
ContextClickRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when the user right-clicks on a cell.
Cell as GraffitiGridColumn
X as Integer
Y as Integer
cellLeft as Integer
cellTop as Integer
cellWidth as Integer
cellHeight as Integer
EditBeginRow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when an edit operation has begun.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
EditEndRow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when an edit operation has ended either by saving or canceling.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
EditKeyPressRow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when the user presses a key while editing.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
KeyCode as Integer
AltKey as Boolean
CtrlKey as Boolean
ShiftKey as Boolean
MetaKey as Boolean
EditorValue as String
EditorButtonPressedRow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when the user clicks the button in a cell editor of type TextWithButton.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
Value as String
FooterClickColumn as GraffitiGridColumnRaised when the user clicks on a cell in the footer.
FooterContextClickColumn as GraffitiGridColumnRaised when the user right-clicks on a cell in the footer.
HeaderClickedColumn as GraffitiGridColumnRaised when user clicks on a GraffitiGridColumn in the display. Only operational if Grid.Sortable = False.
HeaderButtonPressedColumn as GraffitiGridColumnRaised when the user clicks a button that is embedded within a column header using the GraffitiGridColumn.HeaderButton* properties.
KeyPressRow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when the user presses a keyboard key on the grid but not when editing.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
KeyCode as Integer
AltKey as Boolean
CtrlKey as Boolean
ShiftKey as Boolean
RowCollapsedRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when a tree row is collapsed. Children should be removed at this point.
RowExpandedRow as GraffitiGridRowFired when a tree row is expanded. Children should be added at this point.
RowFromDatabaserow as GraffitiGridRowRaised when a row is being processed for addition during an AddRowSet call. This event allows you to modify field data before it reaches the Grid.
RowsReorderedNoneFired when the user drag reorders rows.
RowToDatabase as Booleancolumn as GraffitiGridColumnRaised when a row’s cell value has been changed and the data needs to be written. Return True if you are handling the write operation.
row as GraffitiGridRow
ScrollPositionChangedX as IntegerThe user has scrolled the display.
Y as Integer
SelectionChangedNoneFired when the user changes the row selection. Use methods to determine new selection.
SortedByColumn as GraffitiGridColumnWhen the user changes the sort order of the display after the rows have been sorted by the new sort order.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
AddColumnColumn as GraffitiGridColumnNoneAdd a header to the grid.
AddRownewRow as GraffitiGridRowNoneAdds a new row to the grid’s data.
AddRowsRows as GraffitiGridRowNoneAdds the array of rows as specified to the grid.
AddRowSetrs as RowSetNoneAdds the rows contained within the RowSet to the grid. Only those values which match a grid column will be added. The idField parameter must match a PRIMARY KEY column in your database and you must return that column’s values in the RowSet.
idField as String = “id”
ColumnatIndex as IntegerGraffitiGridColumnRetrieve a Column object by the specified criteria, check for Nil after.
ColumnID as StringGraffitiGridColumn
ColumnIndexID as StringIntegerReturns the index of the column, useful for interation.
ColumnIndexColumn as GraffitiGridColumnInteger
ColumnsNoneGraffitiGridColumn()Returns an array of all currently added columns.
DeleteAllRowsNoneNoneRemove all rows from the grid.
DeselectAllRowsNoneClear the grid’s selection. 
EditActiveCellNoneNoneEdit the cell that is currently selected.
EditCancelNoneNoneCancels the current edit operation.
EditCellRow as IntegerNoneEdit the defined cell.
Column as Integer
EditCellRow as GraffitiGridRowNone
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
EditCommitNoneNoneCommits the current edit operation.
InsertRowRow as GraffitiGridRowNoneInsert a row in the display.
intIndex as Integer
LastColumnIndexNoneIntegerIndex of the final column in the Grid.
LastRowIndexNoneIntegerIndex of the final row in the Grid.
NextCellNoneNoneNavigate selection to the next cell.
NextRowNoneNoneNavigate selection to the next row.
PreviousCellNoneNoneNavigate selection to the previous cell.
PreviousRowNoneNoneNavigate selection to the previous row.
RemoveCellStyleRow as GraffitiGridRowNoneRemove a GraffitiStyle from a cell.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
theStyle as GraffitiStyle
RemoveColumnColumn as GraffitiGridRowColumnNoneRemove the specified column from the display.
RemoveColumncolumnIndex as Integer
RemoveRowintIndex as IntegerNoneRemove the specified row.
RemoveRowRow as GraffitiGridRowNone
ResetGridNoneNoneRemoves all Rows and Columns from the Grid. Do not execute when LockUpdate = True, execute before.
RowRowID as StringGraffitiGridRow Finds the row matching the criteria, check for Nil after.
RowRowIndex as Integer 
RowIndexRow as GraffitiGridRowIntegerReturns the current index of the row in the display.
RowsNoneGraffitiGridRow()Returns an array of all currently added rows.
ScrollToPositionX as IntegerNoneScrolls the display to the specified coordinates.
PositionY as Integer
ScrollToCellRow as IntegerNoneScrolls the specified Row/Cell in to view.
Column as Integer
ScrollToCellRow as GraffitiGridRowNone
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
ScrollToRowRow as IntegerNoneScrolls the display along the Y-axis to the specified row.
ScrollToRowRow as GraffitiGridRowNone
SearchRowscolumn as GraffitiGridColumnGraffitiGridRows()Returns the rows matching the specified criteria.
value as Variant
limit as Integer = 1
SearchRowsRowSetID as IntegerGraffitiGridRowReturns the row from the RowSet with the matching ID.
SelectedRowsNoneGraffitiGridRow()Returns an array containing the currently selected rows.
SetActiveCellRow as IntegerNoneSets the grid selection to the Row and Cell specified. If ForceEdit = True and the Grid is editable, the cell be put in edit mode.
Cell as Integer = 0
ForceEdit as Boolean = False
SetCellStyleRow as GraffitiGridRowNoneAdd a GraffitiStyle to a cell.
Column as GraffitiGridColumn
newStyle as GraffitiStyle
SortByColumn as GraffitiGridColumnNoneSort the specified column.
Direction as SortDirections
toCSVcolumnSeparator as String = “,”StringReturns a CSV string of the current grid contents. If rowSeparator is blank, EndOfLine.UNIX will be used.
rowSeparator as String = “”
UpdateDisplayInvalidateAllRows as Boolean = FalseNoneForce an update of the grid display.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AutoEditBooleanFalseWhen True and Editable = True, navigating/clicking the cells in the grid will automatically put them in edit mode.
CommitOnLostFocusBooleanFalseWhen True and the focus is shifted from the currently active cell editor, any changes made to the value of that cell using the editor will be committed rather than discarded.
DatabaseAutoUpdateBooleanTrueWhen True, rows that were loaded via AddRowSet and later modified will attempt to update their associated DatabaseRecords.
EditableBooleanFalseWhen True, cells can be made editable using the EditActiveCell and EditCell methods.
Editing Read-OnlyBooleanFalseReturns True when the user is currently editing a cell.
EnableColumnGroupingBooleanFalseControls whether the grouped column header will be displayed and columns will be grouped according to their Group property.
EnableColumnReorderBooleanFalseAllow users to drag reorder columns in the display.
EnableRowReorderBooleanFalseAllow users to drag reorder rows.
FooterRowGraffitiGridRowAutomatically instantiated when NilRow data to display in the Grid’s footer.
FooterRowFunctionString“”JavaScript function used to validate or format footer row data.
FooterRowHeightInteger26Height in pixels of the footer row. Cell values are top-left aligned.
FooterRowVisibleBooleanFalseWhen True, displays the footer row at the bottom of the Grid’s data display area.
ForceFitColumnsBooleanFalseWhen True, columns are forced to stay inside the viewable area. Resizing one column will resize other proportionally to maintain visibility.
HeaderRowVisibleBooleanTrueDetermines if the columns header row is displayed.
ListIndex Read-OnlyIntegerReturns the index of the currently selected row. 
LockUpdateBooleanFalseWhen True, certain actions are buffered until value is set to False again. This is used to increase the speed at which grids render as lengthy operations (like adding large numbers of rows) are deferred until all of the relevant data for the update is available.
MultiSelectRowsBooleanFalseWhen True, more than one row may be selected at a time in the display.
RenderedBottomRowInteger-1The bottom-most row that is currently rendered in the display. This may be a row that is outside the display, but is rendered ahead for scrolling continuity.
RenderedTopRowInteger-1The top-most row that is currently rendered in the display. This may be a row that is outside the display, but is rendered ahead for scrolling continuity.
RowHeightInteger25Height of all rows.
SearchCaseTextString“Case Sensitive”Sets the text of the label for the case sensitivity checkbox within the search panel.
SearchColumnHeaderTextString“Search…”Text displayed in the Column selector
SearchFieldPlaceholderString“Search…”Text displayed in the search field when it has no value.
SearchFieldTextString“”Text value of the search field.
SearchLabelTextString“”Text displayed to the left of the search field.
SearchPanelVisibleBooleanFalseWhen True, the search panel will be displayed at the top of the control, below the column headers.
SelectedCell Read-OnlyInteger-1The column index of the currently selected cell in the display.
SelectionTypeSelectionTypesSelectionTypes.RowDetermines how focus on the grid is displayed, either by Row or Cell.
SortableBooleanTrueWhen True, users may sort the grid by clicking column headers. This also disable Tree functionality.
StyleCellBorderGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to row cells’ border. If Nil, uses default Bootstrap style.
StyleHeaderGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to column headers. If Nil, uses default Bootstrap style.
StyleRowEvenGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to even rows. If Nil, uses default Bootstrap style.
StyleRowFooterGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to the footer row.
StyleRowOddGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to odd rows. If Nil, uses default Bootstrap style.
StyleRowSelectedGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to selected rows/cells. If Nil, uses default Bootstrap style.
StyleTextEditorGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to editor for columns using EditTypes.Text.
TreeViewBooleanFalseWhen True, the Grid can contain tree rows. Setting to True disables column sorting.

Examples #

Creating a Basic Column #

A basic column definition would look like this, as seen in the grid object Open events in pgeGrid of the demo:

var titleHeader as new GraffitiGridColumn( "title", "Title" )
titleHeader.Editor = GraffitiGrid.EditTypes.Text
titleHeader.Formatter = GraffitiGrid.FormatTypes.Text
me.AddColumn( titleHeader )

We’re creating a column with the id title, which any added rows must match.

Creating a Basic Row #

Here’s a basic row to match the column above, which can be seen in the Open events of the grid components on pgeGrid of the demo project:

var dict as new Dictionary( "title" : "Row" )
var newRow as new GraffitiGridRow( dict )
me.AddRow( newRow )

Disable Column Sorting #

Column sorting is controlled per-column. To disable column sorting you must set the Sortable property of your GraffitiGridColumn instance to False:

dim newColumn as new GraffitiGridColumn( "columnID", "Column Text", "columnField" )
newColumn.Sortable = False
me.AddHeader( newColumn )

Edit Selected Cells #

If you don’t want all cells to be editable, you should set the Editable property of the GraffitiWebGrid instance to True, the AutoEdit property to false, then use logic in the CellClick event (or elsewhere) to trigger the Edit.

For using column indices:

Sub CellClick(Row as Integer, Column as Integer) Handles CellClick
  If Column = 1 Then me.EditActiveCell
End Sub

For using column fields or other properties:

Sub CellClick(Row as GraffitiGridRow, Column as GraffitiGridColumn, pageX as Integer, pageY as Integer) Handles CellClick
    if Column.ID = "columnFieldValue" then me.EditActiveCell()
End Sub

Retrieving Value from Selected Row #

This is done by reading the SelectedRows array:

Sub SelectionChanged() Handles SelectionChanged
  if me.SelectedRows.Ubound >= 0 then
    dim selRow as GraffitiGridRow = me.SelectedRows(0)
    dim firstColumn as GraffitiGridColumn = me.Column(0)
    dim rowColumnValue as String = selRow.Cell( firstColumn )
    '// Do something with rowColumnValue here. Note that GraffitiGridRow.Cell
    '   returns a variant which matches the data type of that column, so String
    '   may not be the correct data type depending on what you're project is
    '   doing.
  end if
  End Sub

Dynamically Adding Rows When User Presses Enter #

The below KeyPress event will create a new (mostly) empty row when the user highlights the last cell in the last row and presses the Enter key.

Sub KeyPress(Row as GraffitiGridRow, Column as GraffitiGridColumn, KeyCode as Integer, AltKey as Boolean, CtrlKey as Boolean, ShiftKey as Boolean) Handles KeyPress
  if KeyCode = 13 and row = me.Row( me.RowCount - 1 ) and Column = me.Column( me.ColumnCount - 1 ) then
    var newRow as new GraffitiGridRow( new Dictionary( "title" : "Dynamic Row" ) )
    me.AddRow( newRow )
    me.EditCell( newRow, me.Column(0) )
  end if
End Sub

Sample Column of FormatTypes.JavaScript #

var jsHeader As New GraffitiGridColumn( "jsformatter", "jsformatter" )
jsHeader.Formatter = GraffitiGrid.FormatTypes.JavaScript
var jsFormatter() as String
jsFormatter.Add( "function (rowIndex, cellIndex, cellValue, column, row) {" )
jsFormatter.Add( "  return '<strong>From JavaScript</strong>: ' + row['title'];" )
jsFormatter.Add( "}" )
jsHeader.FormatterJavaScript = string.FromArray( jsFormatter, "" )
jsHeader.Width = 130
Me.AddColumn( jsHeader )

It is your responsibility to provide functioning JavaScript code and implement your own error checking. Make use of JavaScript’s Try…Catch blocks and Debuggerstatement as necessary.

Assigning Values the FooterRow #

The FooterRow is read only as it is populated with a GraffitiGridRow by default that is setup specifically for the role. If you wish to assign values to the footer row, you may interact with the FooterRow as you would any other GraffitiGridRow. As an example, if you wish to set the cell of the FooterRow that corresponds to the “title” column of your GraffitiGrid instance, you may use the following:

var footerRow as GraffitiGridRow = gridInstance.FooterRow
var titleColumn as GraffitiGridColumn = gridInstance.Column( "title" )
footerRow.Cell( titleColumn ) = "Test"

Example FooterRowFunction #

function(row, column, allRows) {
  if ( == "perc") {
    var total = 0;
    allRows.forEach(function(currentRow) {
      total += currentRow.perc;
    var totalSpan = $("<span />" ).text(toDouble(total) + " %");
    totalSpan.css("color", ((total >= 0) ? "#0f0" : "#f00"));
    return totalSpan.prop("outerHTML");
  } else {
    return row[];

To express numbers in a localized format, you can use the toDouble function in your FooterRowFunction JavaScript. toDouble has a single parameter and will convert, for example, 1000.50 to 1000,50 for locales where the decimal character is a comma.

It is your responsibility to provide functioning JavaScript code and implement your own error checking. Make use of JavaScript’s Try…Catch blocks and Debuggerstatement as necessary.

Implementing Column-Based Contextual Menus #

To implement a contextual menu, you will add a GraffitiMenu class to the page/container that houses the Grid. Then, when creating your columns, you will create and assign a GraffitiMenuItem to the GraffitiColumn.ContextMenu property. This can be seen in the Open event of gwgDemo on pgeGrid in the demo project:

var TitleMenu as new GraffitiMenuItem( "TitleMenu" )
TitleMenu.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "item1", "This menu is tied to" ) )
TitleMenu.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( True ) )
TitleMenu.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "item2", "Right-Click for Title cells" ) )
GraffitiMenu1.AddMenu( TitleMenu )
dim titleHeader as new GraffitiGridColumn( "title", "Title" )
titleHeader.ContextMenu = TitleMenu
me.AddColumn( titleHeader )

You will respond to menu selections in the MenuAction event of the GraffitiMenu instance you’ve added to the page:

select case InMenu.Name
case "TitleMenu"
  var selRow as GraffitiGridRow = gwgDemo.SelectedRows(0)
  MessageBox( ChildItem.Name + " ContextClick on " + selRow.Cell( gwgDemo.Column( "title" ) ) )
case "type"
  var typeColumn as GraffitiGridColumn = gwgDemo.Column("type")
  clickRow.Cell(typeColumn) = ChildItem.Caption
end select

Implementing Event-Based Contextual Menus #

As was shown previously, you will add a GraffitiMenu instance to the page/container, then create a GraffitiMenuItem and add that:

var EditMenuItem as new GraffitiMenuItem( "EditMenu" )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "text", "Plain Text" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "undo", "Undo", "fa fa-undo", false, "u" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( True ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "cut", "Cut", "fa fa-cut", false, "t" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "copy", "Copy", "fa fa-copy", false, "c" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "paste", "Paste", "fa fa-paste", True, "p" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "delete", "Delete", "fa fa-times", false, "d" ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( True ) )
EditMenuItem.Children.AddRow( new GraffitiMenuItem( "selall", "Select All", "fa fa-i-cursor", false, "s" ) )
GraffitiMenu1.AddMenu( EditMenuItem )

Then, in the ContextClick event of your Grid, you will show the GraffitiMenuItem:

var contextMenu as GraffitiMenuItem = GraffitiMenu1.MenuByName( "EditMenu" )
GraffitiMenu1.ShowMenu( contextMenu, cellLeft, cellTop + cellHeight )

And, finally, handle the result (if any) in the GraffitiMenu instance’s MenuAction event.

Loading Database Records #

GraffitiGrid has an AddRowSet method that accepts a RowSet object as its first parameter. Your database table design and GraffitiGridColumn IDs should not conflict with reserved column names listed at the bottom of this page. The GraffitiGridColumn object IDs should match your database field IDs and should be added before the call to AddRowSet (typically the Open event is the best place to populate columns), for example “first_name” would result in a GraffitiGridColumn definition that looks like this:

var firstName as new GraffitiGridColumn( "first_name", "First Name" )

You would then execute your query to return a RowSet object and pass that to AddRowSet, specifying the unique key field name as the idField parameter.

From there, GraffitiGrid will populate the rows using the RowSet provided and, if implemented, raise the RowFromDatabase event so data can be modified. A typical use for this is populating the Grid’s custom cell types based on the data in the database row such as creating GraffitiGridBadges.

If the DatabaseAutoUpdate property is set to True, when a Grid row is edited by the user, the Grid will attempt to write that change to the database after raising the RowToDatabase event, allowing for a reverse transform to match any made in RowFromDatabase. This may fail if the database connection is lost. Users are encouraged to implement their own means of updating database rows under such conditions.

Adding a PopupMenu Column #

PopupMenu columns require the Editor property of the GraffitiGridColumn be set to GraffitiGrid.EditTypes.PopupMenu, and an array of strings be supplied to the column’s PopupMenuValues property. You can use a different Formatter, but the PopupMenu FormatType is strongly encouraged. Row values for this column should be the index of the PopupMenuValues string to display as the selection.

var popupHeader as new GraffitiGridColumn( "popup", "Popup" )
popupHeader.Formatter = GraffitiGrid.FormatTypes.PopupMenu
popupHeader.Editor = GraffitiGrid.EditTypes.PopupMenu
popupHeader.PopupMenuValues = Array( "One", "Two", "Three" )
me.AddColumn( popupHeader )

Notes #

Edit Validation #

GraffitiGrid supports committing cell edits by switching focus on the page using the CommitOnLostFocus property. Beware that other events, like button presses, that cause the focus to shift, may be received by the server before the updated cell data. Always check the Editing property when your Grid is editable to ensure that no current edit operation is ongoing or data may not be updated properly.

Column Data Types #

Cell value data types should not be mixed for cells in the same column. This is unsupported and may cause JavaScript exceptions and erratic behavior. The data types supplied for cell values should match the definite column FormatTypes and Editors. DateTime for Date, Strings for Text, Booleans for Checkbox, etc.

Column Direct Modification #

For GraffitiWebGrid 2.0, much of the functionality for manipulating Column properties has been moved from the GraffitiWebGrid class to GraffitiGridColumns. This allows you to do things like:

dim colorColumn as GraffitiGridColumn = gridInstance.Column( "colorval" )
cololColumn.Visible = False

Row Direct Modification #

As with Column Direct Modification above, Rows are implemented in the same fashion, allowing:

dim colorColumn as GraffitiGridColumn = gridInstance.Column( "colorval" )
dim rowZero as GraffitiGridRow = gridInstance.Row( 0 )
rowZero.Cell( colorColumn ) = RGB( 0, 0, 0 )

Header/Cell Dimensions #

When applying GraffitiStyles to your grid elements, you must remember that header style dimensions must match cell style dimensions. For example, if you are using a GraffitiStyle for your grid’s cells that has a border-left value of 1px, your header cell GraffitiStyle must match this. Failure to do this will result in headers and columns not lining up correctly in the display. Remember that borders may be a transparent color if you do not wish to display a border on one of these two elements.

This also applies to other dimension-altering properties like margins and padding.

Implementing TreeView #

When implementing a tree view, you must use the LockUpdate property to sync addition and removal of child rows by setting that property’s value to True before making changes and False when complete.

Sorting and Tree Rows #

Tree children are independent rows, and will be sorted as such. At the time of this writing (R27) sorting should, in most scenarios, be disabled on Tree grids.

Hidden Columns and Resizing #

If you use hidden columns in the grid, you must set their Resizeable property to False. Failure to do so will result in header-column resizing that doesn’t match row-column resizing.

Formatting Double or Currency values when using JavaScript functions #

It may be necessary to use JavaScript’s toFixed function on these values to get the desired number of decimal places in your Grid display.

The built-in SearchPanel doesn’t allow for much customization and only supports a limited number of column types to make it as fast as possible. If you wish to customize the search, especially on very large datasets, it’s recommended that you build search functionality which searches your data sever-side then displays the results.

The currently supported column Editor types for search are:

  • Double
  • Integer
  • LongText
  • Percent
  • Text
  • TextWithButton
  • YesNoSelect
  • Password

Cell Editing #

To enable cell editing on the Grid, the following must be done:

  • The Grid instance’s Editable property must be True
  • The Column’s Editor property must be defined to an appropriate type for the data within
  • Either set the AutoEdit property to True — OR — call the EditActiveCell or EditCell methods to begin editing.

Column Grouping #

If you wish to use the Column Grouping feature, each column must have a GraffitiColumnGroup assigned with unique text. Columns are grouped left-to-right and attempting to set a group to a subset of columns may result in incorrect positioning of groups and/or undesired column reordering.

Common Problems #

Errors when copying a row from one Grid instance to another #

This is unsupported. If you wish to move or reuse a GraffitiGridRow instance in multiple Grids, you must use the GraffitiGridRow.Clone (Release 44+) method to create a copy for each Grid instance where you wish to display the row. Even then updates to the data are not shared across Grid instances and each GraffitiGridRow instance must be updated individually.

Selected Rows are out of order #

Multiple row selection does not guarantee that the order of rows will be maintained upon selection either by the order in which they are selected or the order in which they are added to the Grid.

I receive the following Runtime Exception: The data could not be converted to text with this encoding. #

This is a common error when you’re loading non-UTF8 data from MySQL for use in Xojo Web projects. To address this issue, you should execute the following commands upon connecting:

myDatabase.SQLExecute("set names utf8 collate utf8_general_ci")
myDatabase.SQLExecute("set character set utf8")

Columns are rendered, but I don’t see any rows! #

Make sure that your row data matches up to your column IDs. Additionally, column names should not consist of only a numeric value, or begin with a number. As an example, item0 is valid, while 0 or 0item is not.

When embedded in WebContainers or WebTabPanels, the Grid will sometimes display incorrectly #

This is caused by the Grid being initialized when not visible, and may only occur sporadically depending on how and when the Grid is loaded by the project and client browser. To address this, you can call the UpdateDisplay method on your Grid control instance. WebTabPanel.PanelChanged is a good place to do this for that parent control, or in the Shown event of a WebContainer.

Make sure that none of your column or row definitions uses id as the column ID. This is used internally to track data, and will cause problems. Alternatively, use something like myID or rowID. Other strings to avoid in column IDs are:

  • name
  • field
  • editor
  • formatter
  • sorter
  • focusable
  • minWidth
  • resizable
  • selectable
  • sortable
  • cssClass
  • headerCssClass
  • toolTip
  • originalIndex
  • RowTag
  • groupName
  • groupClass
  • header

Additionally, IDs with a leading underscore are reserved for internal use.