
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

DefinitionParametersReturn TypeDescription
ColumnAddPressedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user clicks the button at the bottom of a column
ColumnMenuItemPressedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user clicks or taps one of a column’s GraffitiKanbanMenuItems
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
ColumnMovedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user moves a column by dragging
newIndex as Integer
ColumnRemovedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when a column is removed as a result of the user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior
ColumnSubtitleChangedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column
ColumnTitleChangedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column
HeightChangedheight as IntegerNoneRaised when the vertical size of the control has changed due to AutoHeight = True.
ItemAvatarPressedcolumn as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneFired when the user clicks an item’s avatar image
ItemButtonPresseditem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFired when the user clicks the button of an item
ItemContentChangeditem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFired when the user edits the content of an item
ItemMoveditem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFired when an item is drag-moved by the user
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
toColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
ItemRemoveditem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFired when an item is removed by user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
ItemTitleChangeditem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFired when the user edits an item’s title
ItemValueChangesitem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneFire when the user checks or unchecks the item’s checkbox
ListItemChangedonItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItemNoneFired when the user edits a list item on a GraffitiKanbanItem
ListItemPressedonItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItemNoneFired when the user clicks or taps on a list item

Methods #

DefinitionParametersReturn TypeDescription
AddColumncol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneAdds the specified column to display
AddItemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneAdds the specified item to the specified column
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
AddListItemtoItem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneAdds the specified list item to the specified GraffitiKanbanItem
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
AddMenuItemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneAdds the specified menu item to the specified GraffitiKanbanColumn
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
ColumnatIndex as IntegerGraffitiKanbanColumnReturns the column object at the specified index
InsertColumnatIndex as IntegerNoneInserts col at the atIndex position
col as GraffitiKanbanColumn
InsertItematIndex as IntegerNoneInserts item to onColumn at the index specified by atIndex
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
InsertListItematIndex as IntegerInserts item in to the list items of onItem at the index specified by atIndex 
onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem 
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
InsertMenuItematIndex as IntegerInserts item in to the menu items of onColumn as the index specified by atIndex 
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn 
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
Itemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnGraffitiKanbanItemReturn the item at index on col
index as Integer
LastColumnIndexNoneIntegerReturns the index of the final added column
LastItemIndexcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnIntegerReturns the index of the final added item on col
LastListItemIndexitem as GraffitiKanbanItemIntegerReturns the index of the final added list item on item
LastMenuItemIndexcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnIntegerReturns the index of the final added menu item on col
ListItemitem as GraffitiKanbanItemGraffitiKanbanListItemReturns the GraffitiKanbanListItem at the specified index on item
index as Integer
MenuItemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnGraffitiKanbanMenuItemReturns the menu item specified by index from col
index as Integer
RemoveAllNoneNoneRemoves all columns from the component.
RemoveAllItemscol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneRemoves all items from the specified column.
RemoveAllListItemsitem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneRemoves all list items from the specified item.
RemoveAllMenuItemscol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneRemoves all menu items from the specified column.
RemoveColumncol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneRemoves the specified column from the component
RemoveItemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneRemoves the item specified from the passed column
item as GraffitiKanbanItem
RemoveListItemonItem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneRemoves item from the list items of onItem
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
RemoveMenuItemcol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneRemove item from col
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem
ScrollTocol as GraffitiKanbanColumnNoneScrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column
ScrollToitem as GraffitiKanbanItemNoneScrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AutoHeightBooleanFalseWhen True and LockBottom = False, the control will automatically resize vertically to fit its contents.
ColumnDropBehaviorDropBehaviorsRevertHow drag and drop operations which result in the column being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved
ColumnsWidthExtraLargeInteger20Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 1200 pixels
ColumnsWidthExtraSmallInteger100Percentage width of columns when the display width is less than 576 pixels. This will also result in the columns reordering to a vertical stack rather spanning horizontally across the display
ColumnsWidthLargeInteger33Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 992 pixels but less than 1200 pixels
ColumnsWidthMediumInteger50Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 768 pixels but less than 992 pixels
ColumnsWidthSmallInteger50Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 576 pixels but less than 768 pixels
DropBehaviorDropBehaviorsRevertHow drag and drop operations which result in the item being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved
FooterContainerWebContainerNilContainer added to the bottom of the Kanban control, spans the entire width of the component.
GutterHeightInteger0Height of margin between items in the same column.
GutterWidthInteger5Width of margin between columns.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

Size Breakpoint Values #

SizeMinimum Pixel WidthMaximum Pixel Width
Extra Small0575
Extra Large1200Infinite