Enumerations #
Name | Values |
DropBehaviors | Revert |
Remove | |
Nearest |
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
ColumnAddPressed | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user clicks the button at the bottom of a column |
ColumnMenuItemPressed | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user clicks or taps one of a column’s GraffitiKanbanMenuItems |
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem | |||
ColumnMoved | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user moves a column by dragging |
newIndex as Integer | |||
ColumnRemoved | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when a column is removed as a result of the user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior |
ColumnSubtitleChanged | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column |
ColumnTitleChanged | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user changes the subtitle text of a column |
HeightChanged | height as Integer | None | Raised when the vertical size of the control has changed due to AutoHeight = True. |
ItemAvatarPressed | column as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Fired when the user clicks an item’s avatar image |
ItemButtonPressed | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fired when the user clicks the button of an item |
ItemContentChanged | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fired when the user edits the content of an item |
ItemMoved | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fired when an item is drag-moved by the user |
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
toColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
ItemRemoved | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fired when an item is removed by user dragging it off the display. This only occurs when using the Remove DropBehavior |
fromColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
ItemTitleChanged | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fired when the user edits an item’s title |
ItemValueChanges | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Fire when the user checks or unchecks the item’s checkbox |
ListItemChanged | onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItem | None | Fired when the user edits a list item on a GraffitiKanbanItem |
ListItemPressed | onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem, item as GraffitiKanbanListItem | None | Fired when the user clicks or taps on a list item |
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
AddColumn | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Adds the specified column to display |
AddItem | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Adds the specified item to the specified column |
item as GraffitiKanbanItem | |||
AddListItem | toItem as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Adds the specified list item to the specified GraffitiKanbanItem |
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem | |||
AddMenuItem | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Adds the specified menu item to the specified GraffitiKanbanColumn |
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem | |||
Column | atIndex as Integer | GraffitiKanbanColumn | Returns the column object at the specified index |
InsertColumn | atIndex as Integer | None | Inserts col at the atIndex position |
col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
InsertItem | atIndex as Integer | None | Inserts item to onColumn at the index specified by atIndex |
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
item as GraffitiKanbanItem | |||
InsertListItem | atIndex as Integer | Inserts item in to the list items of onItem at the index specified by atIndex | |
onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem | |||
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem | |||
InsertMenuItem | atIndex as Integer | Inserts item in to the menu items of onColumn as the index specified by atIndex | |
onColumn as GraffitiKanbanColumn | |||
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem | |||
Item | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | GraffitiKanbanItem | Return the item at index on col |
index as Integer | |||
LastColumnIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the final added column |
LastItemIndex | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | Integer | Returns the index of the final added item on col |
LastListItemIndex | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | Integer | Returns the index of the final added list item on item |
LastMenuItemIndex | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | Integer | Returns the index of the final added menu item on col |
ListItem | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | GraffitiKanbanListItem | Returns the GraffitiKanbanListItem at the specified index on item |
index as Integer | |||
MenuItem | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | GraffitiKanbanMenuItem | Returns the menu item specified by index from col |
index as Integer | |||
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all columns from the component. |
RemoveAllItems | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Removes all items from the specified column. |
RemoveAllListItems | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Removes all list items from the specified item. |
RemoveAllMenuItems | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Removes all menu items from the specified column. |
RemoveColumn | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Removes the specified column from the component |
RemoveItem | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Removes the item specified from the passed column |
item as GraffitiKanbanItem | |||
RemoveListItem | onItem as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Removes item from the list items of onItem |
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem | |||
RemoveMenuItem | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Remove item from col |
item as GraffitiKanbanMenuItem | |||
ScrollTo | col as GraffitiKanbanColumn | None | Scrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column |
ScrollTo | item as GraffitiKanbanItem | None | Scrolls horizontally and vertically to the specified column |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AutoHeight | Boolean | False | When True and LockBottom = False, the control will automatically resize vertically to fit its contents. |
ColumnDropBehavior | DropBehaviors | Revert | How drag and drop operations which result in the column being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved |
ColumnsWidthExtraLarge | Integer | 20 | Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 1200 pixels |
ColumnsWidthExtraSmall | Integer | 100 | Percentage width of columns when the display width is less than 576 pixels. This will also result in the columns reordering to a vertical stack rather spanning horizontally across the display |
ColumnsWidthLarge | Integer | 33 | Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 992 pixels but less than 1200 pixels |
ColumnsWidthMedium | Integer | 50 | Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 768 pixels but less than 992 pixels |
ColumnsWidthSmall | Integer | 50 | Percentage width of columns when the display width is greater than 576 pixels but less than 768 pixels |
DropBehavior | DropBehaviors | Revert | How drag and drop operations which result in the item being dropped outside of a valid drop target are to be resolved |
FooterContainer | WebContainer | Nil | Container added to the bottom of the Kanban control, spans the entire width of the component. |
GutterHeight | Integer | 0 | Height of margin between items in the same column. |
GutterWidth | Integer | 5 | Width of margin between columns. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
Size Breakpoint Values #
Size | Minimum Pixel Width | Maximum Pixel Width |
Extra Small | 0 | 575 |
Small | 576 | 767 |
Medium | 768 | 991 |
Large | 992 | 1199 |
Extra Large | 1200 | Infinite |