
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Description

This class exposes no events.

Constructors #

Definition Parameters
Constructor Title as String
Constructor Title as String
Content as String
Constructor Title as String
Container as WebContainer
Constructor Title as String
Content as String
AvatarFile as WebFile
AvatarTooltip as String
Constructor Title as String
Content as String
AvatarPicture as Picture
AvatarTooltip as String
Constructor Title as String
Content as String
AvatarURL as String
AvatarTooltip as String

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
AddListItem item as GraffitiKanbanListItem None Adds the specified list item to the list area
InsertListItem atIndex as Integer None Inserts item at atIndex
item as GraffitiKanbanListItem
RemoveAllListItems None None Removes all list items.
RemoveListItem item as GraffitiKanbanListItem None Removes the specified item from the list area

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AvatarFile WebFile Nil WebFile of an image to display as the avatar for this item
AvatarPicture Picture Nil Picture object to display as the avatar for this item
AvatarTooltip String “” Tooltip or alt text of the avatar image
AvatarURL String “” External URL to an image for display
ButtonCaption String “View” HTML to display in the item’s button
ButtonEnabled Boolean True Determines whether the button is visibly and functionally available for interaction
ButtonOutline Boolean False When True, the button will be displayed using only it’s outline and caption with no background fill
CanDrag Boolean True When True, the item can be dragged to other columns in the display, or reordered within its own column
CanEditContent Boolean False Determines whether the user can edit the content of the item by double-clicking
CanEditTitle Boolean False Determines whether the user can edit the title of the item by double-clicking
Content String “” The content HTML displayed on the item
HasButton Boolean True Set to False to hide the button entirely
HasCheckbox Boolean False When True, a checkbox is displayed to the right of the title that enables changing the Value property
HasLink Boolean False When False, the item’s link area will not be displayed.
ImageFile WebFile Nil WebFile of the image that you wish to display at the top of the item
ImageMaxHeight Integer -1 Maximum height to display image as. -1 to use the image’s dimensions.
ImagePicture Picture Nil Picture object of the image that you wish to display at the top of the item
ImageURL String “” URL to an image you wish to display at the top of the item
Indicator WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the item
IndicatorBorder WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the item’s border
IndicatorButton WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the button
IndicatorButtonCaption WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the button’s caption
IndicatorContainer WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the embedded container.
IndicatorContent WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the button’s content text
IndicatorTitle WebUIControl.Indicators WebUIControl.Indicators.Default Bootstrap style to apply to the title text of the item
LinkCaption String None Caption to use for the item’s link.
LinkURL String None URL to use for the item’s link.
Style GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle instance applied to the item
StyleAvatar GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle instance applied to the avatar image
StyleButton GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle instance applied to the button
StyleContent GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle instance applied to the content text
StyleTitle GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle instance applied to the title text
Title String “” HTML to display as the item’s title
Value Boolean False Value of the item’s checkbox

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.