Table of Contents
Enumerations #
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
AddItem | item as GraffitiOrgChartItem | None | Adds the specified item as a child of the root node. |
Constructor | Title as String Content as String | None | Creates a new instance. |
Constructor | Title as String Container as WebContainer | None | Creates a new instance. |
Item | index as Integer | GraffitiOrgChartItem | Returns the item specified by the index. |
LastIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the last child of the root node. |
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all items. |
RemoveItem | index as Integer | None | Removes the item specified by index. |
RemoveItem | item as GraffitiOrgChartItem | None | |
ScrollTo | item as GraffitiOrgChartItem = Nil | None | Scrolls to the specified node. If item is Nil the root node is centered. |
toJSON | None | JSONItem | Exports the current items to a JSONItem. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
Container | WebContainer | Nil | WebContainer embedded within this item. |
Content | String | “” | Content of the item. |
ContentEditable | Boolean | False | Determines whether the content can be edited by double-click. |
ContentStyle | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle applied to content area. |
HasAddButton | Boolean | False | If True, a button is added to the item’s display that will create a new child when clicked. |
HasRemoveButton | Boolean | False | If True, a button is added to the item’s display that will delete the item when clicked. |
Parent | GraffitiOrgChartItem | Nil | The parent of this item, or Nil if the parent is the root node. |
Tag | Variant | Nil | Data storage. |
Title | String | “” | Title of the item. |
TitleEditable | Boolean | False | Determines whether the title text can be edited by double-click. |
TitleStyle | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle applied to the title area. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.