
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Constructortext as StringNoneCreates an instance of the class with parameters as property values.
Constructortext as String
icon as String
NoneCreates an instance of the class with parameters as property values.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
EnabledBooleanVariantDetermines if the item is selectable within the popup menu.
IconString“”The FontAwesome ID of an icon to display in the row, such as “fa-apple”.
IconColorColor&c000000The color to apply to the item’s Icon.
IconPositionIconPositionsLeftThe location of the icon in relation to the item’s text.
IconTypeIconTypesFontAwesomeThe type of icon data being passed. If using URL, properly formatted BASE64 data may be used but is not recommended.
ID READ-ONLYStringAuto-GeneratedThe ID of the item. This property is for internal use only.
SelectedBooleanFalseSet to true, the item will be selected.
StyleWebStyleNilWebStyle to apply to the item in the PopupMenu’s display.
TagVariantNilUser-defined value. Useful for storing associated objects or determining which PopupMenuItem this is.
TextString“”The caption of the item.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.