
View Categories

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AnimationDurationInteger250Animation time for value changes is milliseconds.
CustomTextBooleanFalseUse ValueCaption instead of the integer display.
FontSizeString2remCSS Sizes for the font, such as 100%, 1em, 10pt, 10px, etc.
ProgressColorEndColor&c000000The color of the progress area at 100%.
ProgressColorStartColor&c000000The color of the progress area at 0%.
ProgressWidthDouble2.6Width of the bar as a percentage of the total area.
UnfilledColorColor&c000000Color of the unfilled area of the progress indication arc.
UnfilledWidthDouble2Width of the unfilled area of the progress indication arc.
ValueInteger0Current progress value
ValueCaptionString“”Custom text. Can also accept FontAwesome icons by supplying something like the following: <fa-rocket>

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.