
View Categories

Enumerations #

ThemesAmbiance = 0
Chaos = 1
Chrome = 2
Clouds = 3
CloudsMidnight = 4
Cobalt = 5
CrimsonEditor = 6
Dawn = 7
Dreamweaver = 8
Eclipse = 9
GitHub = 10
IdleFingers = 11
iPlastic = 12
Katzenmilch = 13
KRTheme = 14
Kuroir = 15
Merbivore = 16
MerbivoreSoft = 17
MonoIndustrial = 18
Monokai = 19
PastelOnDark = 20
SolarizedDark = 21
SolarizedLight = 22
SQLServer = 23
Terminal = 24
TextMate = 25
Tomorrow = 26
TomorrowNight = 27
TomorrowNightBlue = 28
TomorrowNightBright = 29
TomorrowNightEighties = 30
Twilight = 31
VibrantInk = 32
XCode = 33
ModesABAP = 0
ABC = 0
ActionScript = 1
ADA = 2
ApacheConf = 3
AppleScript = 4
ASCIIDoc = 5
AssemblyX86 = 6
AutoHotKey = 7
BatchFile = 8
Bro = 9
C_CPP = 10
C9Search = 11
Cirru = 12
Clojure = 13
Cobol = 14
CoffeeScript = 15
ColdFusion = 16
CSharp = 17
CSS = 18
Curly = 19
D = 20
Dart = 21
Diff = 22
Django = 23
DockerFile = 24
Dot = 25
Drools = 26
Eiffel = 27
EJS = 28
Elixir = 29
Elm = 30
ERLang = 31
Forth = 32
Fortran = 33
FTL = 34
GCode = 35
Gherkin = 36
GitIgnore = 37
GLSL = 38
Gobstones = 39
GOLang = 40
Groovy = 41
HAML = 42
Handlebars = 43
Haskell = 44
HaskellCabal = 45
Haxe = 46
HJSON = 47
HTML = 48
HTMLElixir = 49
HTMLRuby = 50
INI = 51
IO = 52
Jack = 53
Jade = 54
Java = 55
JavaScript = 56
JSON = 57
JSP = 59
JSX = 60
Julia = 61
Kotlin = 62
LaTeX = 63
Lean = 64
LESS = 65
Liquid = 66
LISP = 67
Live_Script = 68
LiveScript = 69
LogIQL = 70
LSL = 71
LUA = 72
LUAPage = 73
Lucene = 74
MakeFile = 75
Markdown = 76
Mask = 77
MatLab = 78
Maze = 79
Mel = 80
MIPS_Assembler = 81
MIPSAssembler = 82
MushCode = 83
MySQL = 84
Nix = 85
NSIS = 86
ObjectiveC = 87
OCAML = 88
Pascal = 89
Perl = 90
PGSQL = 91
PHP = 92
PlainText = 93
PowerShell = 94
Praat = 95
Prolog = 96
Properties = 97
Protobuf = 98
Python = 99
R = 100
Razor = 101
RDoc = 102
RHTML = 103
RST = 104
Ruby = 105
Rust = 106
SASS = 107
SCAD = 108
Scala = 109
Scheme = 110
SCSS = 111
SH = 112
SJS = 113
Smarty = 114
Snippets = 115
SoyTemplate = 116
Space = 117
SQL = 118
SQLServer = 119
Stylus = 120
SVG = 121
Swift = 122
Swig = 123
TCL = 124
Tex = 125
Text = 126
Textile = 127
TOML = 128
TSX = 129
Twig = 130
TypeScript = 131
Vala = 132
VBScript = 133
Velocity = 134
Verilog = 135
VHDL = 136
Wollok = 137
XML = 138
Xojo = 139
XQuery = 140
YAML = 141

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
BreakpointClearedRow as IntegerNoneRaised when the user clears a breakpoint by clicking on the line number gutter.
BreakpointSetRow as IntegerNoneRaised when the user sets a breakpoint by clicking on the line number gutter.
HTMLRenderedcontent as StringNoneRaised when the content is returned after calling the ToHTML method.
SelChangeNoneNoneFires when the user changes their selection, either by using the mouse or the keyboard.
TextChangeNoneNoneFires when the user changes the text within the syntax editor.
UndoManagerNoneNoneThis event signals a change in the CanUndo and CanRedo properties, allowing for dynamic menu enabling/disabling based on state.

Methods #

AnnotationAdd( Row as Integer, theText as String, theType as String )This method will add an annotation icon with informational tooltip to the left of the line numbers in the gutter of the Row specified.
AnnotationRemove( Row as Integer )Remove any annotation on Row.
AnnotationRemoveAll()Remove all annotations.
BreakpointAdd( Row as Integer )Add a breakpoint to Row.
BreakpointRemove( Row as Integer )Remove breakpoint from Row.
BreakpointRemoveAll( Row as Integer )Remove all breakpoints from the current document.
DeselectAll()Deselect all text in the current document.
Find( theText as String, intStartPosition as Integer = 0, blnBackward as Boolean = false, blnWrap as Boolean = False, blnCaseSensitive as Boolean = False, blnWholeWord as Boolean = False, blnRegEx as Boolean = False, blnSkipCurrentLine as Boolean = False )This starts the Find system.
FindNext()Finds the next searched for match in the document. Must follow a call to Find()
FindPrevious()Finds the searched for match in the document by moving backward from the current position. Must follow a call to Find()
GotoLine( Row as Integer )Automatically sets the cursor to the start of the line signified by Row.
Insert( theText as String )Inserts theText in to the Syntax Editor at the cursor’s current position.
Redo()Redo an undone change to the text.
Replace( replaceWith as String )Replace a searched for match. Must follow a call to Find()
ReplaceAll( replaceWith as String )Replace all matches for the previous search. Must follow a call to Find()
ReplaceAll( strFind as String, replaceWith as String )Replace all instances of strFind with replaceWith.
ResetUndoStack()Clears the Undo/Redo stack. Useful if you are saving the document and don’t want to allow reversing changes back beyond that point.
ScrollToLine( Row as Integer )Scrolls Row in to the syntax editor view.
SelectAll()Selects all text within the editor.
SelectionIndent()Indents the current line.
SelectionOutdent()Outdents the current line.
SelectionToggleComment()Toggles comment on the current line.
SelectionToLowercase()Convert all text in the current selection to lowercase.
SelectionToUppercase()Convert all text in the current selection to uppercase.
SelectLine( Row as Integer )Select the line signified by Row.
ToHTML( includeCSS as Boolean = True )Signals the client to convert the content to styled HTML and send it back to the server. HTMLRendered event will be raised upon receipt.
Undo()Undo a user’s change to the text.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
Annotations()DictionaryNilThe currently applied row annotations. Should not be modified directly.
AvailableModes()StringNilThe currently available syntax highlighting modes.
AvailableThemes()StringNilThe currently available display themes.
CanRedo Read-OnlyBooleanFalseIf the editor can Redo a recently undone change.
CanUndo Read-OnlyBooleanFalseIf the editor can undo a recent change.
CodeFoldingBooleanTrueIf True and supported by the selected Mode, code blocks will be allowed to fold by clicking an arrow on the gutter.
CursorColumn Read-OnlyInteger0The column of the document where the cursor currently resides.
CursorRow Read-OnlyInteger0The row of the document where the cursor currently resides.
FirstVisibleRow Read-OnlyInteger0The first line that is visible in the editor’s display.
FontFamilyStringMonospaceFont family used for code within the editor.
FontSizeInteger0The size of font to use for the code in the editor.
HighlightActiveLineBooleanTruePlaces a colored highlight over the line where the cursor resides. This makes it easier for users to quickly find where they left off.
LastVisibleRow Read-OnlyInteger0The last line that is visible in the editor’s display.
LineCount Read-OnlyInteger0The number of lines in the current document.
ModeModesModes.ABAPThe syntax highlight mode to use.
ReadOnlyBooleanFalseIf True, users will not be able to edit the contents of the field.
SelEndInteger0The end position of the current selection range.
SelStartInteger0The start position of the current selection range.
SelText Read-OnlyString“”The currently selected text in the editor.
ShowGutterBoolenTrueControls visibility of the left-hand editor gutter containing line numbers and collapsible section controllers.
ShowPrintMarginBooleanFalseIf True, a print margin line and color differentiation will be display along the left-side corresponding to the width of a 8.5×11 sheet.
SoftTabsBooleanTruePass true to enable the use of soft tabs. Soft tabs means you’re using spaces instead of the tab character.
SyntaxCheckerBooleanTruePass true to enable basic syntax checking for supported languages. Note that while this is enabled, if there is an error in the code then annotations will be hidden in order to display only those errors which need to be resolved.
TextString“”Get/Set the current text of the document, as a whole.
ThemeThemesThemes.AmbianceThe theme used to display the syntax editor.
WordWrapBooleanFalseSets whether or not line wrapping is enabled.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.