
View Categories

Preview #

About #

GraffitiSplitView is a simple and powerful way to display multiple panes of data or functionality in your UI while giving users the freedom to size the areas as they need to.

Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
PositionChangedNoneNoneRaised when the Position value has changed.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
CollapseNoneNoneCollapses the splitter to the lowest value.
ExpandNoneNoneExpands the splitter to the highest value.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AreaAfterGraffitiSplitViewAreaAuto-GeneratedThe area that occupies the left/top position.
AreaBeforeGraffitiSplitViewAreaAuto-GeneratedThe area that occupies the right/bottom position.
HandleIndicatorWebSDKUIControl.IndicatorsDefaultBootstrap indicator applied to the handle.
HandleSizeInteger10Size (in pixels) of the resize handle.
HandleStyleGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to the resize handle.
PositionDouble50Position of the split in the view, in percent.
SnapDistanceInteger0Distance (in percent) to snap either fully collapsed or expanded when dragging.
StackDirectionStackDirectionsStackDirections.HorizontalPlacement of panels views within the component.