Table of Contents
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Alignments | Default |
Center | |
Left | |
Right | |
AxisOrientations | Bottom |
Top | |
Both | |
None | |
HeightModes | Auto |
Fixed | |
FitItems | |
ItemOrientations | Bottom |
Top | |
SupportedLocales | |
en | |
en_US | |
en_GB | |
it | |
it_IT | |
it_CH | |
nl | |
nl_NL | |
nl_BE | |
de | |
de_DE | |
fr | |
fr_FR | |
fr_CA | |
fr_BE | |
uk | |
uk_UA | |
ru | |
ru_RU | |
pl | |
pl_PL |
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Parameters | Description |
AxisRightClick | atDate as Date | Raised when the user right-clicks one of the axes. |
X as Integer | ||
Y as Integer | ||
BarMoved | Bar as GraffitiWebTimelineBar | Raised when the user drags a bar to a new position. |
GroupBackgroundRightClick | group as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | Raised when use right-clicks the background of a group. |
atDate as Date | ||
pageX as Integer | ||
pageY as Integer | ||
GroupLabelRightClick | group as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | Raised when the user right-clicks a group label. |
X as Integer | ||
Y as Integer | ||
GroupsOrderChange | None | Raised when the user has reordered groups. |
ItemAction | item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Raised when the user clicks on an item. |
ItemMoved | item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Raised when the user has moved an item on the timeline. |
ItemRemoved | item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Raised when the user removes an item by clicking the X button. |
ItemRightClick | item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Raised when user right-clicks an item on the timeline. |
pageX as Integer | ||
pageY as Integer | ||
ItemSelectionChange | selectedItems() as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Raised when the user has altered the selected items in the display. |
RightClick | atDate as Date | Raised when the user right-clicked a part of the timeline that does not contain a group or item. |
pageX as Integer | ||
pageY as Integer | ||
TimeAction | atDate as Date | Raised when user clicks an area of the timeline that does not contain an item. |
toGroup as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | ||
ViewChanged | None | Raised when the user has change the viewable area range by scrolling, dragging, or zooming. |
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
AddBar | newBar as GraffitiWebTimelineBar | None | Adds a new bar to the timeline. |
AddGroup | newGroup as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | None | Adds a new group to the timeline. |
AddItem | newItem as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | None | Adds a new item to the timeline. |
AddRestriction | newRestriction as GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction | None | Adds a new restriction to the timeline. |
BarAt | Index as Integer | GraffitiWebTimelineBar | Returns the bar at the specified index. |
DeselectAll | None | None | Deselects all items. |
GroupAt | Index as Integer | GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | Returns the group at the specified index. |
ItemAt | Index as Integer | GraffitiWebTimelineItem | Returns the item at the specified index. |
LastBarIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the final bar added. |
LastGroupIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the final group added. |
LastItemIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the final item added. |
LastRestrictionIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the final restriction added. |
None | None | Initiates a print-safe preview of the Timeline’s current view. | |
Redraw | None | None | Force a UI update. |
RemoveAllBars | None | None | Removes all bars from the component. |
RemoveAllGroups | None | None | Removes all groups from the component. |
RemoveAllItems | None | None | Removes all items from the component. |
RemoveAllRestrictions | None | None | Removes all restrictions from the component. |
RemoveBar | BarToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineBar | None | Removes the specified bar. |
RemoveGroup | GroupToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup | None | Removes the specified group. |
RemoveAllItems as Boolean = True | |||
RemoveItem | ItemToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | None | Removes the specified item. |
RemoveRestriction | RestrictionToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction | None | Removes the specified restriction. |
RestrictionAt | index as Integer | GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction | Returns the restriction at the specified index. |
ShowAll | None | None | Scroll and Zoom the display to fit all items. |
ShowItem | ItemToShow as GraffitiWebTimelineItem | None | Scroll and Zoom the display to show the specified item. |
ShowTime | TimeToShow as Date | None | Scroll and Zoom the display to show the specified date object’s value. |
ZoomIn | Percentage as Integer | None | Zoom the display in by the supplied percentage value. |
ZoomOut | Percentage as Integer | None | Zoom the display out by the supplied percentage value. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
Alignment | Alignments | Alignments.Default | Alignment of items with type ‘box’, ‘range’, and ‘background’. |
CanAddItem | Boolean | True | When True, users are able to add items by interacting with the component. |
CanMove | Boolean | True | Specifies whether the Timeline can be moved and zoomed by dragging the window. |
CanMultiselect | Boolean | True | When True, users can select multiple items. |
CanMultiselectGroup | Boolean | True | When True, users can select multiple groups. |
CanOrderGroups | Boolean | True | When True users can drag groups to reorder them. |
CanRemoveGroup | Boolean | True | When True, users can remove groups by interacting with the UI. |
CanSelect | Boolean | True | When True, users can select items by clicking on them. |
CanZoom | Boolean | True | When True, users can zoom the display by interacting with it. |
CanZoomMouse | Boolean | True | When True, users can zoom the display using the mouse wheel. |
DateMaximum | Date | Nil | The maximum date and time that can be displayed. |
DateMinimum | Date | Nil | The minimum date and time that can be displayed. |
DisplayLocale | SupportedLocales | SupportedLocales.en | Current display locale. |
HeightMode | HeightModes | HeightModes.Auto | Vertical sizing of the timeline display within the component. |
MarginAxis | Integer | 20 | Distance between axis points. |
MarginItemHorizontal | Integer | 10 | Margin for horizontal item display. |
MarginItemVertical | Integer | 10 | Margin for vertical item display. |
OrientationAxis | AxisOrientations | AxisOrientations.Bottom | Orientation of axis display. |
OrientationItems | ItemOrientations | ItemOrientations.Bottom | Orientation of items relative to the axis. |
OverrideItemEdit | Boolean | False | When True, item edit properties are overridden in favor of those on the Timeline instance. |
RollingMode | Boolean | False | When True, the timeline display will shift continuously to display the current date/time at center. |
RollingModeOffset | Integer | 50 | Set how far from the left the rolling mode is implemented from. Percentage value (0-100). |
ShowCurrentTime | Boolean | True | When True, displays a bar at the current date/time that the user cannot interact with. |
ShowHelpTags | Boolean | True | When the mouse is hovered of an item with a helptag, it will be displayed if this value is true. |
ShowMajorLabels | Boolean | True | Determines whether major labels, such as the day, are displayed. |
ShowMinorLabels | Boolean | True | Determines whether minor labels, such as seconds, are displayed. |
StyleAxisGroups | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the group axis. |
StyleAxisTime | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the time axis. |
StyleColumnsEven | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to even major labeled columns in the display. |
StyleColumnsOdd | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to odd major labeled columns in the display. |
StyleDayToday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the current date column. |
StyleDayTomorrow | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the column for tomorrow. |
StyleWeekdaySunday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdayMonday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdayTuesday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdayWednesday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdayThursday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdayFriday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdaySaturday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
StyleWeekdaySunday | GraffitiStyle | Nil | GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week. |
TimeAxisScale | TimeScales | TimeScales.None | Granularity of the time display. When set to anything other than None , scaling on zoom will be disabled. |
TimeAxisStep | Integer | 1 | Interval used for the TimeAxisScale. |
ViewEnd | Date | Nil | The current maximum viewable date in the display. |
ViewStart | Date | Nil | The current minimum viewable date in the display. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.