
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values
Alignments Default
AxisOrientations Bottom
HeightModes Auto
ItemOrientations Bottom

Constants #

Name Type Value

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Parameters Description
AxisRightClick atDate as Date Raised when the user right-clicks one of the axes.
X as Integer
Y as Integer
BarMoved Bar as GraffitiWebTimelineBar Raised when the user drags a bar to a new position.
GroupBackgroundRightClick group as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup Raised when use right-clicks the background of a group.
atDate as Date
pageX as Integer
pageY as Integer
GroupLabelRightClick group as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup Raised when the user right-clicks a group label.
X as Integer
Y as Integer
GroupsOrderChange None Raised when the user has reordered groups.
ItemAction item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem Raised when the user clicks on an item.
ItemMoved item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem Raised when the user has moved an item on the timeline.
ItemRemoved item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem Raised when the user removes an item by clicking the X button.
ItemRightClick item as GraffitiWebTimelineItem Raised when user right-clicks an item on the timeline.
pageX as Integer
pageY as Integer
ItemSelectionChange selectedItems() as GraffitiWebTimelineItem Raised when the user has altered the selected items in the display.
RightClick atDate as Date Raised when the user right-clicked a part of the timeline that does not contain a group or item.
pageX as Integer
pageY as Integer
TimeAction atDate as Date Raised when user clicks an area of the timeline that does not contain an item.
toGroup as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup
ViewChanged None Raised when the user has change the viewable area range by scrolling, dragging, or zooming.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
AddBar newBar as GraffitiWebTimelineBar None Adds a new bar to the timeline.
AddGroup newGroup as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup None Adds a new group to the timeline.
AddItem newItem as GraffitiWebTimelineItem None Adds a new item to the timeline.
AddRestriction newRestriction as GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction None Adds a new restriction to the timeline.
BarAt Index as Integer GraffitiWebTimelineBar Returns the bar at the specified index.
DeselectAll None None Deselects all items.
GroupAt Index as Integer GraffitiWebTimelineGroup Returns the group at the specified index.
ItemAt Index as Integer GraffitiWebTimelineItem Returns the item at the specified index.
LastBarIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final bar added.
LastGroupIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final group added.
LastItemIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final item added.
LastRestrictionIndex None Integer Returns the index of the final restriction added.
Print None None Initiates a print-safe preview of the Timeline’s current view.
Redraw None None Force a UI update.
RemoveAllBars None None Removes all bars from the component.
RemoveAllGroups None None Removes all groups from the component.
RemoveAllItems None None Removes all items from the component.
RemoveAllRestrictions None None Removes all restrictions from the component.
RemoveBar BarToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineBar None Removes the specified bar.
RemoveGroup GroupToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineGroup None Removes the specified group.
RemoveAllItems as Boolean = True
RemoveItem ItemToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineItem None Removes the specified item.
RemoveRestriction RestrictionToRemove as GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction None Removes the specified restriction.
RestrictionAt index as Integer GraffitiWebTimelineRestriction Returns the restriction at the specified index.
ShowAll None None Scroll and Zoom the display to fit all items.
ShowItem ItemToShow as GraffitiWebTimelineItem None Scroll and Zoom the display to show the specified item.
ShowTime TimeToShow as Date None Scroll and Zoom the display to show the specified date object’s value.
ZoomIn Percentage as Integer None Zoom the display in by the supplied percentage value.
ZoomOut Percentage as Integer None Zoom the display out by the supplied percentage value.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
Alignment Alignments Alignments.Default Alignment of items with type ‘box’, ‘range’, and ‘background’.
CanAddItem Boolean True When True, users are able to add items by interacting with the component.
CanMove Boolean True Specifies whether the Timeline can be moved and zoomed by dragging the window.
CanMultiselect Boolean True When True, users can select multiple items.
CanMultiselectGroup Boolean True When True, users can select multiple groups.
CanOrderGroups Boolean True When True users can drag groups to reorder them.
CanRemoveGroup Boolean True When True, users can remove groups by interacting with the UI.
CanSelect Boolean True When True, users can select items by clicking on them.
CanZoom Boolean True When True, users can zoom the display by interacting with it.
CanZoomMouse Boolean True When True, users can zoom the display using the mouse wheel.
DateMaximum Date Nil The maximum date and time that can be displayed.
DateMinimum Date Nil The minimum date and time that can be displayed.
DisplayLocale SupportedLocales SupportedLocales.en Current display locale.
HeightMode HeightModes HeightModes.Auto Vertical sizing of the timeline display within the component.
MarginAxis Integer 20 Distance between axis points.
MarginItemHorizontal Integer 10 Margin for horizontal item display.
MarginItemVertical Integer 10 Margin for vertical item display.
OrientationAxis AxisOrientations AxisOrientations.Bottom Orientation of axis display.
OrientationItems ItemOrientations ItemOrientations.Bottom Orientation of items relative to the axis.
OverrideItemEdit Boolean False When True, item edit properties are overridden in favor of those on the Timeline instance.
RollingMode Boolean False When True, the timeline display will shift continuously to display the current date/time at center.
RollingModeOffset Integer 50 Set how far from the left the rolling mode is implemented from. Percentage value (0-100).
ShowCurrentTime Boolean True When True, displays a bar at the current date/time that the user cannot interact with.
ShowHelpTags Boolean True When the mouse is hovered of an item with a helptag, it will be displayed if this value is true.
ShowMajorLabels Boolean True Determines whether major labels, such as the day, are displayed.
ShowMinorLabels Boolean True Determines whether minor labels, such as seconds, are displayed.
StyleAxisGroups GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the group axis.
StyleAxisTime GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the time axis.
StyleColumnsEven GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to even major labeled columns in the display.
StyleColumnsOdd GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to odd major labeled columns in the display.
StyleDayToday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the current date column.
StyleDayTomorrow GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the column for tomorrow.
StyleWeekdaySunday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdayMonday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdayTuesday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdayWednesday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdayThursday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdayFriday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdaySaturday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
StyleWeekdaySunday GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle to apply to the specified day of the week.
TimeAxisScale TimeScales TimeScales.None Granularity of the time display. When set to anything other than None, scaling on zoom will be disabled.
TimeAxisStep Integer 1 Interval used for the TimeAxisScale.
ViewEnd Date Nil The current maximum viewable date in the display.
ViewStart Date Nil The current minimum viewable date in the display.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.