Table of Contents
Enumerations #
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Constructor | buttonCaption as String, buttonIcon as String buttonState as Boolean = False | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Constructor | buttonCaption as String buttonState as Boolean = False | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Constructor | container as WebContainer width as Integer = -1 | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Constructor | isPicture as Boolean PictureURL as String size as Integer | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Constructor | isPicture as Boolean thePicture as Picture size as Integer | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Constructor | isSpacer as Boolean isFlex as Boolean = False | None | Instantiates a new class instance with the specified properties. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BadgeIndicator | WebUIControl.Indicators | WebUIControl.Indicators.Default | Bootstrap indicator to apply to the item’s badge. |
BadgeIsPill | Boolean | False | Determines whether the corners of the item’s badge should be square or rounded. |
BadgeText | String | “” | Text to display within the item’s badge. |
BorderStyle | GraffitiWebToolbar.BorderStyles | Dark | Border color of the button. |
BorderType | GraffitiWebToolbar.BorderTypes | None | Border type. |
Caption | String | “” | Text displayed in the button. |
CaptionAlignment | GraffitiWebToolbar.Alignments | Left | Position of the button’s Caption within the display. |
CaptionStyle | GraffitiWebToolbar.TextStyles | Dark | Color applied to the button’s caption. |
Container (Read-Only) | WebContainer | Nil | WebContainer that is embedded in this item. |
CornerStyle | GraffitiWebToolbar.Corners | None | Determines how the corners of the button are drawn. None means that the corners are the default square. |
Enabled | Boolean | True | When False the button will not respond to mouse events or trigger click actions. |
Icon | String | “” | FontAwesome icon string. |
IconObject | Variant | Nil | Allows for the use of a Xojo Picture object. Accepts Picture, WebPicture, WebFile, or URL. Supports all image types including SVG in URLs. |
IconObjectSize | Integer | 16 | Desired width and height of the IconObject. |
IconPosition | GraffitiWebToolbar.IconPositions | Left | Position of the icon relative to the caption. |
OverrideStyle | GraffitiStyle | Nil | Use a GraffitiStyle rather than the built-in Bootstrap styles. |
OverrideStyleState | GraffitiStyle | Nil | Use a GraffitiStyle rather than the built-in Bootstrap styles when State = True |
State | Boolean | False | Toggle state of the button. If True the button appears pressed. |
Style | GraffitiWebToolbar.ButtonStyles | GraffitiWebToolbar.ButtonStyles.Primary | Background color of the button. |
Tag | Variant | Nil | Allows developers to attach another object or value to the button. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.