
View Categories

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
DirectoryListingReceiveddata as JSONItemNoneRaised when a call to list a directory’s contents has resolved.
FileReadFailedpath as String
errorNumber as Integer
errorMessage as String
NoneRaised when a call to retrieve a file’s contents has failed.
FileReadReceivedpath as String
actualPath as String
content as String
NoneRaised the content of a file request has been received.
FileSaveCompleteddialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialogNoneRaised when the content of a file has been saved.
FileSaveFaileddialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialogNoneRaised when saving a file has failed.
FilesSelecteddialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialogNoneRaised when file selection has resolved.
FileWriteCompletedpath as String
actualPath as String
NoneRaised when a FileWrite operation has completed.
FileWriteFailedpath as String
actualPath as String
errorNumber as Integer
errorMessage as String
NoneRaised when a FileWrite operation has failed.
FolderSelecteddialog as GraffitiBundle.FolderDialogNoneRaised when a FolderSelect operation has resolved.
MessageDialogDismisseddialog as GraffitiBundle.MessageDialogNoneRaised when a message dialog has been dismissed.
MessageReceivedmethod as String, data as JSONItemNoneRaised when a custom message has been received.
SettingValueReceivedname as String, value as VariantNoneRaised when a SettiingRead call has resolved.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
ConstructorsessionId as StringNoneCreates a new instance of the class.
AddReceiverreceiver as GraffitiBundle.ReceiverNoneAdds a new message receiver object.
FileReadpath as StringNoneInitiates a new file read operation.
FileSavedialog as FileDialog
data as String
NoneInitiates a new file save operation with user file selection.
FileSelectdialog as FileDialogNoneInitiates a new file selection operation.
FileWritepath as String
data as String
NoneInitiates a new file write operation.
FolderContentspath as StringNoneInitiates a new folder contents request.
FolderSelectdialog as GraffitiBundle.FolderDialogNoneInitiates a new folder selection operation.
IndexOfReceiverreceiver as GraffitiBundle.ReceiverIntegerReturns the index of the specified receiver object within the internal array.
LastReceiverIndexNoneIntegerReturns the index of the last receiver object within the internal array.
MessageBoxmessage as Strin
title as String = “”
NoneShows a native MessageBox within the client application.
MessageDialogdialog as MessageDialogNoneShows a native MessageDialog within the client application.
Quitstatus as Integer = 0NoneSignals the client application to begin the quit process.
ReceiverAtindex as IntegerGraffitiBundle.ReceiverReturns the receiver at the specified index within the internal array.
RemoveAllReceiversNoneNoneRemoves all receivers.
RemoveReceiverreceiver as GraffitiBundle.ReceiverNoneRemoves the specified receiver from the internal array.
RemoveReciverAtindex as IntegerNoneRemoves the receiver at the specified index within the internal array.
SendMessagemethod as String
parameters as JSONItem = nil
NoneSends a message to the client application.
SettingReadname as String
defaultValue as Variant
NoneRequests a locally-stored setting from the client application.
SettingWritename as String
value as Variant
NoneSignals the client application to save the setting value to the local database.
WindowCloseNoneNoneSignals the client application to close the window. May have the same effect as calling Quit.
WindowHideNoneNoneSignals the client application to hide the window.
WindowMaximizeNoneNoneSignals the client application to maximize the window.
WindowMinimizeNoneNoneSignals the client application to minimize the window.
WindowRestoreNoneNoneSignals the client application to restore the window.
WindowShowNoneNoneSignals the client application to show the window.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BundleIDString“”Identifier used to validate communications. Typically something like “com.graffitisuite.bundledemo”.
SystemInfo (Read-Only)GraffitiBundle.SystemInfoAuto-GeneratedSystem information of the client. Generated when the client sends system information.
WindowChangedBooleanFalseSignals the client application to update the window’s Changed property.

Shared Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
HandleURLrequest as WebRequest, response as WebResponseBooleanMust be called from App.HandleURL event. Return value of True indicates that a request has been handled.

Shared Methods #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BundleRequestsOnlyBooleanTrueThis property controls whether requests that originate from a GraffitiBundle client instance are allowed.