Table of Contents
Enumerations #
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
DirectoryListingReceived | data as JSONItem | None | Raised when a call to list a directory’s contents has resolved. |
FileReadFailed | path as String errorNumber as Integer errorMessage as String | None | Raised when a call to retrieve a file’s contents has failed. |
FileReadReceived | path as String actualPath as String content as String | None | Raised the content of a file request has been received. |
FileSaveCompleted | dialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialog | None | Raised when the content of a file has been saved. |
FileSaveFailed | dialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialog | None | Raised when saving a file has failed. |
FilesSelected | dialog as GraffitiBundle.FileDialog | None | Raised when file selection has resolved. |
FileWriteCompleted | path as String actualPath as String | None | Raised when a FileWrite operation has completed. |
FileWriteFailed | path as String actualPath as String errorNumber as Integer errorMessage as String | None | Raised when a FileWrite operation has failed. |
FolderSelected | dialog as GraffitiBundle.FolderDialog | None | Raised when a FolderSelect operation has resolved. |
MessageDialogDismissed | dialog as GraffitiBundle.MessageDialog | None | Raised when a message dialog has been dismissed. |
MessageReceived | method as String, data as JSONItem | None | Raised when a custom message has been received. |
SettingValueReceived | name as String, value as Variant | None | Raised when a SettiingRead call has resolved. |
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Constructor | sessionId as String | None | Creates a new instance of the class. |
AddReceiver | receiver as GraffitiBundle.Receiver | None | Adds a new message receiver object. |
FileRead | path as String | None | Initiates a new file read operation. |
FileSave | dialog as FileDialog data as String | None | Initiates a new file save operation with user file selection. |
FileSelect | dialog as FileDialog | None | Initiates a new file selection operation. |
FileWrite | path as String data as String | None | Initiates a new file write operation. |
FolderContents | path as String | None | Initiates a new folder contents request. |
FolderSelect | dialog as GraffitiBundle.FolderDialog | None | Initiates a new folder selection operation. |
IndexOfReceiver | receiver as GraffitiBundle.Receiver | Integer | Returns the index of the specified receiver object within the internal array. |
LastReceiverIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the last receiver object within the internal array. |
MessageBox | message as Strin title as String = “” | None | Shows a native MessageBox within the client application. |
MessageDialog | dialog as MessageDialog | None | Shows a native MessageDialog within the client application. |
Quit | status as Integer = 0 | None | Signals the client application to begin the quit process. |
ReceiverAt | index as Integer | GraffitiBundle.Receiver | Returns the receiver at the specified index within the internal array. |
RemoveAllReceivers | None | None | Removes all receivers. |
RemoveReceiver | receiver as GraffitiBundle.Receiver | None | Removes the specified receiver from the internal array. |
RemoveReciverAt | index as Integer | None | Removes the receiver at the specified index within the internal array. |
SendMessage | method as String parameters as JSONItem = nil | None | Sends a message to the client application. |
SettingRead | name as String defaultValue as Variant | None | Requests a locally-stored setting from the client application. |
SettingWrite | name as String value as Variant | None | Signals the client application to save the setting value to the local database. |
WindowClose | None | None | Signals the client application to close the window. May have the same effect as calling Quit. |
WindowHide | None | None | Signals the client application to hide the window. |
WindowMaximize | None | None | Signals the client application to maximize the window. |
WindowMinimize | None | None | Signals the client application to minimize the window. |
WindowRestore | None | None | Signals the client application to restore the window. |
WindowShow | None | None | Signals the client application to show the window. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BundleID | String | “” | Identifier used to validate communications. Typically something like “com.graffitisuite.bundledemo”. |
SystemInfo (Read-Only) | GraffitiBundle.SystemInfo | Auto-Generated | System information of the client. Generated when the client sends system information. |
WindowChanged | Boolean | False | Signals the client application to update the window’s Changed property. |
Shared Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
HandleURL | request as WebRequest, response as WebResponse | Boolean | Must be called from App.HandleURL event. Return value of True indicates that a request has been handled. |
Shared Methods #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BundleRequestsOnly | Boolean | True | This property controls whether requests that originate from a GraffitiBundle client instance are allowed. |