Release 16 Web Edition Progress

Due to some major flaws in our implementation of the new WebSDK for Web Edition, we’ve had to push back Release 16 a great distance from our originally intended date. We’re nearly ready to push it out, so here’s an update on what you can expect.

Release 16 not only fixes a bunch of bugs related to loading and utilizing the required scripts for Web Edition components, it also adds a couple of new components for your development pleasure. While we’re not going in to detail on that right now, here’s a couple of screenshots of these new components:


We are, however, going to release the list of bug fixes for the next release now, and it’s quite substantial:

[NEW] GraffitiWebAccordionNavItem now has a Tag as Variant property (Report ID: 1873).
[NEW] GraffitiWebAccordionNav now has a RemoveAll method (Report ID: 1875).
[NEW] GraffitiWebAccordionNav now has a AddChildToItem method (Report ID: 1874).
[NEW] GraffitiWebToggle now implements a Visible property (Report ID: 1877).
[FIX] GraffitiWebAccordionNav's Remove() method now properly updates the view.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor no longer fails with JS error "$ is not defined" due to setting Text property before class is shown.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor no longer throws OutOfBoundsException when Break On Exceptions is enabled and the field's text is empty.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor no longer supports resize.  This is a temporary adjustment until a more intuitive system can be established.
[FIX] GraffitiWebAlert no longer throws assertions when attempting to Alert on Page.Shown, instead, this call is ignored.  All calls should be made after the GraffitiWebAlert class is instantiated, not the page.
[FIX] GraffitiWebAccordion no longer improperly references GraffitiWebAccordionNavItem in the Item_Find and Item_Remove methods.
[FIX] GraffitiWebPopupMenu should now resize properly.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor should now resize properly.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor should no longer scroll off or change size inappropriately.
[FIX] GraffitiWebEditor no longer loses data assigned to the Text property in the IDE.
[FIX] All classes now load dependency scripts from files stored on the server [REQUIRES BUILD STEP].
[CHANGE] GraffitiWebPopupMenu's Items() array and UpdateOptions() method are now exposed to allow more manual control.

As you can see from the notes above, many of the JS errors were fixed using a required build step. All of the script files are now stored externally in a “scripts” folder, and you’ll need to add a build step to ensure that the directory is copied over to the App Parent Folder for each target operating systems, as seen here:


For the most part, Release 16 is ready to go out, and we plan to continue fleshing out any missing functionality in future releases. Once we have everything finalized and complete testing of the new components, Release 16 will be available. Thank you for your patience while we addressed these issues.