(Release 21 is a Web Edition only release, as there were no reported bugs or requested features for Desktop Edition since Release 20.)
Is that really what you want to know? Well, for release 21 we will not only be pushing out our stability rewrite…but…three all-new classes that are going to push your Web Apps even further! Oh, and we’ve deprecated the old DatePicker in favor of a new implementation that’s completely awesome. That brings this release to nine additions, and one fix.
The new classes are lacking some features that many of our other classes are missing, and we’ll be adding that as requested. As an example, WebStyle support. Many people seem to be perfectly happy using the styles we provide, so adding WebStyle support isn’t usually a priority (especially when you have full access to the CSS in the class’s source code); we take care of that when you need it. Our turn-around is generally quick on things like that, but some classes will require a considerable amount of work for WebStyle support. In some cases we have to completely refactor a component to get that support in.
Release 21 is very near now. We’re looking at a few other prototypes to see if they’re ready for this release, then we’ll do final testing and push it out.
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