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About #

GraffitiColors is the ultimate color companion for Xojo. With this product you can get valuable information about specified colors such as brightness, luminance, hue, distances; you can calculate proper complements for maximum readability; or retrieve system-specific UI color definitions.


  • Bootstrap compatible color palettes
  • Material UI color definitions
  • Assorted arrays of complementary color palettes
  • Massive list of named colors
  • Native color retrieval for macOS
  • Native color retrieval for Windows, including the immersive color definitions for both Dark and Light UIs
  • Color comparison and modification functions

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

DefinitionParametersReturn TypeDescription
Blendbackground as Color
foreground as Color
ColorBlends two colors together by overlaying foreground onto background then returning the resulting mix.
Brightenc as Color
DeltaPercent as Integer
ColorBrightens a color by modifying each constituent RGB value by DeltaPercent.
CartesianDistancecolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
DoubleReturns the cartesian (or Euclidian) distance between two color calues.
Complementc as ColorColorReturns a color whose hue is calculated to complement the passed value.
ComplementReadablec as ColorColorReturns the readable complement of the passed value. Return is black or white.
Darkenc as Color
DeltaPercent as Double
ColorDarkens a color modifying its brightness (Color.Value in Xojo).
DarkerColorcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
ColorReturns the darker of the two passed colors.
Desaturatec as Color
DeltaPercent as Double
ColorDesaturated the passed color by DeltaPercent.
FromHexhexValue as StringColorParses a HEX-3, HEX-6, or HEX-8 value to a Xojo Color object.
GetBrightnessc as ColorDoubleReturns the double-value brightness for the specified color.
GetContrastcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
DoubleReturns the double-value contrast difference between two colors.
GetDistancecolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
DoubleReturns the cartesian distance between two colors.
GetLuminancec as ColorDoubleReturns the calculate luminance of the color.
Huec as Color
DeltaPercent as Double
ColorReturns the passed color value with altered hue.
Invertc as ColorColorInverts the passed color.
IsDarkc as ColorBooleanReturns True if the color’s calculated brightness is less than 128.
IsLightc as ColorBooleanReturns True if the color’s calculated brightness is greater than 128.
IsReadableLargecolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
BooleanReturns True if text using one color as the background and the other as foreground is readable.
IsReadableMediumcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
IsReadableSmallcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
Lightenc as Color
DeltaPercent as Double
ColorLightens the specified color by DeltaPercent.
LighterColorcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
ColorReturns the lighter of the two passed colors.
Mixcolor1 as Color
color2 as Color
ColorMixes the two colors together.
Monochromaticc as ColorColorReturns a monochrome version of the color.
MostReadablec as Color
compare() as Color
ColorReturns the most readable complement color from the array.
MostReadablec as Color
ParamArray compare as Color
NamedClosestc as ColorDictionaryReturns a Dictionary object containing the “name” and “value” keys for the closest Named color to the one specified.
Saturatec as Color
DeltaPercent as Double
ColorReturns a saturation-altered value of the passed color.
toHexc as ColorStringReturns a HEX string of the color’s RGB values.
toHex8c as ColorStringReturns a HEX8 string of the color’s RGBA value.
toRGBAStringWebc as ColorStringReturns a web-compatible RGBA string representation of the color.
toRGBAStringXojoc as ColorStringReturns a Xojo-compatible RGBA string representation of the color.
toRGBStringc as ColorStringReturns an RGB string representation of the color.

Properties #

This class exposes no properties.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.