
View Categories

Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
This class exposes no constants.

Events #

Definition Description
Click( X as Integer, Y as Integer, pageX as Integer, pageY as Integer ) Raised when the user clicks the label. X/Y are relative to the label’s left/top.
ContextClick( X as Integer, Y as Integer, pageX as Integer, pageY as Integer ) Raised when the user right-clicks the label. X/Y are relative to the label’s left/top.
LinkClick( linkID as String ) Returns the defined ID for an HTML link inside the contents. See examples below.
Resized Event is fired when the Label’s automatic height has been adjusted to fit inner contents.
MouseEnter() Raised when the user moves their mouse in to the label.
MouseExit() Raised when mouse leaves the label.
SelectionChange() Raised when the user makes a selection of the label’s content.

Methods #

Definition Description
This class exposes no methods.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
Caption String “Untitled” The caption to draw withing the label. May contain arbitrary HTML or FontAwesome icons in the form of <fa-apple>.
MaxHeight Integer 100 Maximum pixel height of the label. Upon reaching the MaxHeight value, scrollbars will be shown for the contents.
SelectedHTML String “” When the user selects a portion of the label’s content, and the SelectionChange event fires, the content of the selection will be available in this property as HTML.
TrueHeight Read-Only Integer 0 The true height of the label after the resize operation to fit contents has completed, but before the Resized event has fired.

Examples #

To add internal links to your label’s content, you should use the following format in the Caption property:

Some awesome text!
<br />
<a id="myUniqueLinkAction" href="#">And a link!</a>

Notes #


Explicitly setting the height after load can cause unexpected behavior. If you wish for the label to auto-resize with the height of the contents, then you should never set LockBottom = True.