
View Categories

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

DefinitionParametersReturn TypeDescription
AddItemitem as GraffitiOrgChartItemNoneAdds the specified item as a child of the root node.
ConstructorTitle as String
Content as String
NoneCreates a new instance.
ConstructorTitle as String
Container as WebContainer
NoneCreates a new instance.
Itemindex as IntegerGraffitiOrgChartItemReturns the item specified by the index.
LastIndexNoneIntegerReturns the index of the last child of the root node.
RemoveAllNoneNoneRemoves all items.
RemoveItemindex as IntegerNoneRemoves the item specified by index.
RemoveItemitem as GraffitiOrgChartItemNone
ScrollToitem as GraffitiOrgChartItem = NilNoneScrolls to the specified node. If item is Nil the root node is centered.
toJSONNoneJSONItemExports the current items to a JSONItem.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
ContainerWebContainerNilWebContainer embedded within this item.
ContentString“”Content of the item.
ContentEditableBooleanFalseDetermines whether the content can be edited by double-click.
ContentStyleGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to content area.
HasAddButtonBooleanFalseIf True, a button is added to the item’s display that will create a new child when clicked.
HasRemoveButtonBooleanFalseIf True, a button is added to the item’s display that will delete the item when clicked.
ParentGraffitiOrgChartItemNilThe parent of this item, or Nil if the parent is the root node.
TagVariantNilData storage.
TitleString“”Title of the item.
TitleEditableBooleanFalseDetermines whether the title text can be edited by double-click.
TitleStyleGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle applied to the title area.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.