
Enumerations #


Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
DoubleClickNoneNoneFires when the user double-clicks the field in MultiSelect.
GotFocusNoneNoneRaised when the control receives focus.
HeightChangedoldHeight as IntegerNoneRaised when the height of the control has changed. Typically used with the AdaptiveHeight property set to True.
LostFocusNoneNoneRaised when the control loses focus.
PopupButtonPressedNoneNoneRaised when the user clicks the button embedded in the popup menu.
PopupHiddenNoneNoneRaised when the user has hidden the popup menu.
PopupShownNoneNoneRaised when the user has shown the popup menu.
SelectionAddedtheItem as GraffitiPopupMenuItemNoneFires when an item is selected in MultiSelect.
SelectionChangedtheItem as GraffitiPopupMenuItemNoneThis event is fired when one or more items in the popupmenu are selected.
SelectionClearedNoneNoneThis event is raised when the user has cleared the selected items.
SelectionRemovedtheItem as GraffitiPopupMenuItemNoneFires when an items is deselected in MultiSelect.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
AddItemItemText as StringNoneAdds a new item to the list of items in the popupmenu.
AddItemNewItem as GraffitiPopupMenuItemNoneAdds a new item to list of items in the popupmenu.
AddItemsitems() as GraffitiPopupMenuItemNoneAdds the specified array of items to the popupmenu in a single operation.
AddItemAtindex as Integer
item as GraffitiPopupMenuItem
NoneAdds the specified item at the provided index.
ClosePopupNoneNoneCloses the popup, if it is shown.
DeselectAllDoLockUpdate as Boolean = FalseNoneClears the current selection. When DoLockUpdate is True, regardless of the value of the LockUpdate property, execution is deferred.
ItemAtindex as IntegerGraffitiPopupMenuItemReturns the item as the specified index within the internal items array.
ItemFromTagtheTag as VariantGraffitiPopupMenuItemReturns the item whose tag matches theTag.
ItemFromTexttheText as StringGraffitiPopupMenuItemReturns the item whose text matches theText.
ItemIndexitem as GraffitiPopupMenuItemIntegerReturned the integer index of the provided item within the internal item array.
LastItemIndexNoneIntegerReturns the index of the last row of items added to the PopupMenu.
OpenPopup()NoneNoneOpens the popup.
RemoveAllItemsNoneNoneRemoves all items from the popupmenu and updates the display.
RemoveItemItemIndex as IntegerNoneRemoves the specified item from the list of items in the popupmenu.
RemoveItemItemText as StringNone
SelectedItemsNoneGraffitiPopupMenuItem()Returns the currently selected item(s).
SelectedItemsIndexesNoneInteger()Returns the indexes of the currently selected item(s).

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
AdaptiveHeightBooleanFalseWhen True, the control will resize vertically based on the height of the selected items and raise the HeightChanged event.
AllowAddBooleanFalseWhen MultipleSelect = False, AllowAdd being True will cause GraffitiPopupMenu to behave more like a combobox, allowing custom item input.
AllowClearBooleanFalseWhen True, a clear button is displayed in the UI that allows users to clear their previous selection.
DropdownStyleGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle used to apply CSS to the dropdown menu.
IsPopupVisibleBooleanFalseDetermines the visible state of the popup menu.
LocaleCustomBooleanFalseWhen True, will use the other Locale properties in place of the default text.
LocaleInputTooShortString“”Text to display when the user hasn’t entered enough text in the search field.
LocaleInputTooLongString“”Text to display when the user has entered too many characters in the search field.
LocaleNoMatchesString“No Matches Found”Text displayed when the user’s search returns an empty set of results.
LocaleSelectionTooLargeString“”Text to display when the user has selected too many items.
LockUpdateBooleanFalseWhen True, code execution to manipulate and update items in the browser is deferred until set to False.
MaxSelecteditemsInteger5Limits the possible amount of selected items.
MinimumInputLengthInteger3Minimum number of characters user must enter before a search will be performed. If 0, all items will be shown by default.
MultipleSelectBooleanTrueDetermines whether the popupmenu will support selection of multiple items.
PlaceholderSearchTextString“”Text to display in the search box for instances where MultipleSelect = False.
PlaceholderTextString“Please select an option”The text to display when there are no items selected.
PopupButtonTextString“”When populated, a button will be displayed on the popup that, upon click, will raise the PopupButtonPressed event.
PopupButtonIndicatorWebUIControl.IndicatorsWebUIControls.Indicators.DefaultBootstrap style to apply to the popup button.
PopupButtonStyleGraffitiStyleNilGraffitiStyle to apply to the popup button.
ReadOnlyBooleanFalseIf True, the user cannot change the value of the control.
ReserveIconSpaceBooleanFalseIf True, all items will have whitespace on the left of their text whether they have an icon or not.
SearchThresholdInteger10The number of characters required to trigger the search algorithm. Set to -1 to remove the search field.
SearchTypeGraffitiPopupMenu.SearchTypesContainsMethod used when performing a search from the search box for GraffitiPopupMenuItems.
SortDirectionSortDirectionsSortDirections.AscendingDirection to sort items.
SortItemsBooleanFalseWhen True, items will be sorted within the dropdown menu.
StateStatesUnvalidatedAlters the display to convey a validation state.
StyleTagGraffitiStyleNilStyle applied to tags when MultipleSelect = True.
TextStringEmptyCurrent text value of the control. Only applicable when MultipleSelect = False and AllowAdd = True.

Notes #

The PopupShown event should not be used to modify the contents of the control. This is too late for changes to be sent to the client browser and will cause the dropdown to hidden again as part of the update.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.