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About #

Location specification, either as three words or a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates.

Enumerations #

This object exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This object exposes no constants.

Events #

This object exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Constructorlat as Double

lng as Double

resolve as Boolean = False
NoneCreates a new instance of the class. When resolve = True, the class will synchronously attempt to resolve the coordinates to their three word value. Setting resolve to True is not recommended for Web applications.
Constructorwords as String

resolve as Boolean = False
NoneCreates a new instance of the class. When resolve = True, the class will synchronously attempt to resolve the three words value to its corresponding map coordinates. Setting resolve to True is not recommended for Web applications.
IsValidNoneBooleanValidates the Latitude and Longitude values supplied. Will always return True if only a Words value is set.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
LatitudeDouble0Latitude coordinate
LongitudeDouble0Longitude coordinate
WordsStringEmptyThree words value