
View Categories

Enumerations #


Constants #

This object exposes no constants.

Events #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
DataAvailablefile as WebFileNoneRaised when new data has arrived.
DevicesAvailableNoneNoneRaised when the list of supported devices has been received from the user’s browser.
ErrorerrorMessages as StringNoneRaised when an error occurs within the user’s browser.
StateChangedNoneNoneRaised when the State of the recorder has changed.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
BeginRecordingNoneNoneBegins a recording session. If SourceAudio and SourceVideo devices are not supplied, the first devices returned will be used. If the stream has not been started, it will be.
DevicesNoneGraffitiMediaDeviceReturns an array of GraffitiMediaDevice that represents the Audio and Video devices accessible to the user’s browser.
EndRecordingNoneNoneStops the recording session, does not stop the stream.
PauseRecordingNoneNonePauses the recording session, does not pause the stream.
ResumeRecordingNoneNoneResumes the recording session if paused.
StartStreamNoneNoneStarts the preview stream of the user’s camera within the control’s UI.
StateNoneRecordingStatesReturns the current state of the component.
StopStreamNoneNoneStops the preview stream of the user’s camera within the UI. If recording, the recording will also be stopped.
SupportedNoneBooleanReturns whether the user’s browser supports the relevant JavaScript APIs and has allowed access.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
SourceAudioGraffitiMediaDeviceNilThe audio device to use for recording sessions.
SourceVideoGraffitiMediaDeviceNilThe video device to use for recording sessions.