Preview #
About #
GraffitiRating is an animated rating display or prompt control for easily providing your users with a way to review from within your application.
Enumerations #
Name Values Styles Star Heart Views ButtonCaption ButtonIconOnly RatingBar
Constants #
Name Type Value This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition Description Resized Raised when the class has completed a resize operation. Resizing Fired at each step of a resize operation. ValueChanged Signifies that the user has changed the value by selecting a new rating.
Methods #
This class exposes no methods.
Properties #
Name Type Default Value Description BackgroundColor ColorGroup Nil Color applied to the background behind the rating selection icons. BorderColor ColorGroup Nil Color applied to the border around the control. Caption String “” String to display in the button. Blank for rating double value. IconBackground ColorGroup Nil The color displayed behind the icon in button modes. IconBorder ColorGroup Nil Color applied to the border of the icons. IconColor ColorGroup Nil Color used to draw the background color of the individual icons. Style Styles Heart The style of the rating icon. TextColor ColorGroup Nil Color applied to text in the button modes. TextFont String System Font face applied to text. TextSize Integer 14 Size of font face. Value Double 0.0 Current rating value. ValueFormat String %1 Stars Format applied to Value for display. %1 will be replaced with the double value. View Views ButtonCaption Controls the current display mode.
Examples #
There are currently no examples for this class.