
View Categories

Enumerations #

This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

This class exposes no constants.

Events #

This class exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
Cellcolumn as GraffitiGridColumnVariantReturns the value for the specified column if it exists.
Cellcolumn as GraffitiGridColumn
assigns value as Variant
NoneSets the value for the specified column.
CellcolumnName as StringVariantReturns the value for the specified column if it exists.
CellcolumnName as String
assigns value as Variant
NoneSets the value for the specified column.
Constructordata as DictionaryNoneCreates a new GraffitiGridRow from a Dictionary of data.
Constructordata as Dictionary
height as Integer
NoneCreates a new GraffitiGridRow with a custom height.
DestroyNoneNoneRemoves all internal references and readies the row for destruction.
InvalidateNoneNoneSets the row as needed to be redrawn on the next refresh of its parent GraffitiGrid.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BackgroundColorColorGroupNilCustom background ColorGroup.
FontNameString“System”Font used to draw row contents.
FontSizeDouble0Size of font used to draw row contents.
HeightInteger-1Height of the row. -1 to use the parent GraffitiGrid’s default row height.
SelectedBooleanFalseDetermines whether the row is currently selected in the parent GraffitiGrid.
TagVariantNilCustom reference value.
VisibleBooleanTrueControls whether the row is visible within the parent GraffitiGrid.

Examples #

This class currently has no examples.

Notes #

This class currently has no notes.