NEW | None | GraffitiDateTimePickerRange rebuilt for a more modern experience. | 2023-12-10 |
NEW | None | GraffitiSplitView | 2023-12-01 |
ADDED | 207 | GraffitiAlert has a new IconStyle as GraffitiStyle property. | 2023-12-01 |
ADDED | 216 | GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple has a new StyleButton as GraffitiStyle property. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | 216 | GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple has a new StyleField as GraffitiStyle property. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | 216 | GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new StyleButton as GraffitiStyle property. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | 216 | GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle has a new StyleField as GraffitiStyle property. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports ContextMenu events with new Enumeration value ContextMenu. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports Copy events with new Enumeration value Copy. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports DoubleClick events with new Enumeration value DoubleClick. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports Paste events with new Enumeration value Paste. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports Scroll events with new Enumeration value Scroll. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiEventManager now supports ScrollEnd events with new Enumeration value ScrollEnd. | 2023-12-05 |
ADDED | 176 | GraffitiFieldLabel has a new FieldVisible as Boolean = True property. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | None | GraffitiKanban has a new AutoHeight = False property. In order to function properly, the LockBottom property must be set to False. | 2023-11-15 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderBottomRightRadius as Integer = 0 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderBottomLeftRadius as Integer = 0 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderBottomSize as Integer = 1 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderLeftSize as Integer = 1 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderRightSize as Integer = 1 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderTopLeftRadius as Integer = 0 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderTopRightRadius as Integer = 0 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle has a new BorderTopSize as Integer = 1 property. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 221 | GraffitiStyle has a new IsClass as Boolean = True property for determining whether the CSS should be rendered as a class or, when False, rendered as the provided selector. | 2023-12-06 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new AddValue( value as String ) method. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new AddValueAt( index as Integer, value as String ) method. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new IndexOfValue( value as String ) as Integer function. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new LastValueIndex() as Integer function. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new RemoveAllValues() method. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new RemoveValueAt( index as Integer ) method. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new AutocompleteHighlightTyped as Boolean = True property. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new AutocompleteMaximumItems as Integer = 5 property. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 178 | GraffitiTextField has a new AutocompleteSearchThreshold as Integer = 2 property. | 2023-11-07 |
ADDED | 185 | GraffitiTree has a new CheckedItems() as GraffitiTreeItem() method to return all currently checked items. | 2023-11-12 |
FIXED | 203 | Fixed a minor memory leak in GraffitiControlWrapper. | 2023-11-23 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiAccordionMenu should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiAvatar should now properly show image values in more scenarios. | 2023-12-01 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiAvatarGroup should no longer retain instances in memory after close. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 198 | GraffitiButtonSegment now properly updates captions that are set after Open and contain special characters. | 2023-11-20 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiButtonSegment should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiCalendar should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 209 | GraffitiCamera now better detects source stream dimensions. | 2023-12-01 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple further updated for Bootstrap 5. | 2023-12-05 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple.ViewValue will now properly be reported as read-only by the compiler. | 2023-12-10 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiDateTimePickerRange further updated for Bootstrap 5. | 2023-12-05 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle.ViewValue will now properly be reported as read-only by the compiler. | 2023-12-10 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiFieldLabel further updated for Bootstrap 5. | 2023-12-05 |
FIXED | 217 | GraffitiFieldLabel.LabelStyle once again applies as expected. | 2023-12-05 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiGrid no longer incorrectly hold references in memory after close. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 184 | GraffitiGrid no longer encounters a JavaScript exception when setting column Width after grid has initialized. | 2023-11-13 |
FIXED | 195 | GraffitiGrid once again honors the Enabled property state. | 2023-11-20 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiGrid’s Time EditTypes popup has been further updated for Bootstrap 5. | 2023-11-16 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiGrid should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 218 | GraffitiGrid now supports supplying zero values for GraffitiGridColumn decimal properties. | 2023-12-06 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiKanban should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiLikert should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiListGroup further updated for Bootstrap 5.x | 2023-11-19 |
FIXED | 194 | GraffitiListGroup now properly raises the SelectionChanged event on the first and last items. | 2023-11-19 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiListGroup should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 196 | GraffitiMapViewer.PanTo no longer encounters a JavaScript exception. | 2023-11-20 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiMapViewer should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiMenu should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiOrgChart should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 99 | GraffitiPopupMenu’s dropdown can once again receive focus when the control is embedded in a WebDialog. | 2023-11-16 |
FIXED | 190 | GraffitiPopupMenu no longer allows users to add duplicate values when AllowAdd = True. | 2023-11-16 |
FIXED | 190 | GraffitiPopupMenu.AllowAdd once again works as expected. | 2023-11-16 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiPopupMenu should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 219 | GraffitiRectangle further updated for Bootstrap 5. | 2023-12-06 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiResponsive should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | None | GraffitiSlideshow should no longer retain instances in memory after close. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiStepBar should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiTabPanel should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 214 | GraffitiTextField now enforces MaxLength in scenarios where the browser doesn’t. | 2023-12-04 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiThumblist should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiTimeline should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 183 | GraffitiToggle once again properly applies the FalseStyle property value. | 2023-11-10 |
FIXED | 201 | GraffitiToolbar should no longer leak memory from closed instances. | 2023-11-22 |
FIXED | 185 | GraffitiTree once again allows multiple selection/checking. | 2023-11-12 |
CHANGED | 181 | GraffitiEditor now uses an entirely pixel-based system for font sizes. EM/REM support can be done with the CustomCSS property and hiding the font size popupmenu. | 2023-11-09 |
CHANGED | 189 | GraffitiGrid now returns DateTime objects upon editing applicable columns. It is recommended that all users switch to use DateTime class instances from Date class instances. | 2023-11-16 |