Release 60

View Categories

Release Information #

PlatformNewAddedFixedChangedRemovedRelease Date
Desktop46525September 21, 2024
Mobile for iOS131910September 21, 2024
Web1201350September 21, 2024

Desktop Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription
NewNoneGraffitiTabBar Modern Rewrite
AddedNoneGraffitiAnimatorControl.Shake now has a easing as GraffitiAnimator.Easings = GraffitiAnimator.Easings.CubicOut property.
AddedNoneGraffitiAnimatorContainer.Shake now has a easing as GraffitiAnimator.Easings = GraffitiAnimator.Easings.CubicOut property.
Added524GraffitiGrid now exposes the read-only ScrollbarHorizontal as DesktopScrollbar property.
Added524GraffitiGrid now exposes the read-only ScrollbarVertical as DesktopScrollbar property.
Added500GraffitiPDFViewer has a rewritten printing system that is improved on all platforms.
Added514GraffitiSyntaxEditor has a new ToHTML( includeCSS as Boolean = True ) method.
Fixed536GraffitiAvatar no longer displays only the initials when ShowInitialsOnHover = False.
Fixed531GraffitiSlider should no longer encounter an OutOfBoundsException when using range sliders and dragging the two values too closely together.
FixedNoneGraffitiSlider now handles mouse interaction from maximum to minimum, rather than minimum to maximum.
FixedNoneGraffitiSyntaxEditor.Modes.Custom once again works as expected.
FixedNoneGraffitiSyntaxEditor.Themes.Custom once again works as expected.
RemovedNoneGraffitiEditor no longer implements mouse events for 2024R3 compatibility.
RemovedNoneGraffitiHTMLtoPDF no longer implements mouse events for 2024R3 compatibility.
RemovedNoneGraffitiMapViewer no longer implements mouse events for 2024R3 compatibility.
RemovedNoneGraffitiPDFViewer no longer implements mouse events for 2024R3 compatibility.
RemovedNoneGraffitiSyntaxEditor no longer implements mouse events for 2024R3 compatibility.
Changed500GraffitiPDFViewer.Print method parameter changed to showPageSetupDialog as Boolean = False.
Changed500GraffitiPDFViewer.PageImage method now returns higher resolution images.

Mobile Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription
AddedNoneGraffitiDateTimePicker has a new WeekdaysFontName as String = “System” property.
AddedNoneGraffitiDateTimePicker has a new WeekdaysFontSize as Integer = 0 property.
Added514GraffitiSyntaxEditor has a new ToHTML( includeCSS as Boolean = True ) method.
FixedNoneGraffitiAccordion text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiAvatar text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiAvatarGroup text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiBadge text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiButton text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiCard text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiColorPicker text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiDateTimePicker text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiGrid text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiNote text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiPagination text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiPopupMenu text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiProgressBar text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiRadialProgress text drawing updated for 2024r3
FixedNoneGraffitiRating text drawing updated for 2024r3
Fixed503GraffitiWall should now position items properly when Animated = False. This was due to Xojo reporting container widths as 0 until after they’ve been added to a view.
Fixed503GraffitiWall no longer gets locked in an endless Paint loop when Animated = True due to Xojo reporting container widths as 0 until after they’ve been added to a view.
Fixed503GraffitiWall no longer inappropriately exposes pointer and keyboard events.
Changed503GraffitiGrid now has a ParentView as Variant property, replacing the ParentScreen as MobileScreen property. Acceptable values are of types MobileScreen or MobileContainer.
FixedNoneGraffitiTagField text drawing updated for 2024r3

Web Changes #

TypeTicket NumberDescription
AddedNoneGraffitiColorPicker has a new DropdownPosition as DropdownPositions property.
AddedNoneGraffitiColorPicker has a new DropdownPositions enumeration: 0 = Bottomleft, 1 = BottomRight, 2 = TopLeft, 3 = TopRight
AddedNoneGraffitiColorPicker has a new SelectorType as SelectorTypes property.
AddedNoneGraffitiColorPicker has a new SelectorTypes enumeration: 0 = Hue, 1 = Brightness, 2 = Saturation, 3 = Wheel
Added507GraffitiDateTimePickerMultiple now supports embedding in Popovers.
Added507GraffitiDateTimePickerRange now supports embedding in Popovers.
Added507GraffitiDateTimePickerSingle now supports embedding in Popovers.
Added509GraffitiButtonSegmentItem has a new BadgeIndicator as WebSDKUIControl.Indicators property.
Added509GraffitiButtonSegmentItem has a new BadgeStyle as GraffitiStyle property.
Added509GraffitiButtonSegmentItem has a new BadgeText as String property.
AddedNoneGraffitiPopupMenu now supports embedding in Popovers.
AddedNoneGraffitiStyle now implementes Operator_Add for combining two GraffitiStyle instances’ content to create a new GraffitStyle.
AddedNoneGraffitiStyle now supports additional States values: Active, Focus, FocusVisible, FocusWithin, Target.
AddedNoneGraffitiSyntaxEditor has a new HTMLRendered( content as String ) event.
Added514GraffitiSyntaxEditor has a new ToHTML( includeCSS as Boolean = True ) method.
Added539GraffitiTextField has a new AllowLineFeed property that will allow the insertion of line feeds when the Enter key is pressed.
Added539GraffitiTextField has a new AllowLineWrapping property that will disable text wrapping as indicated.
Added539GraffitiTextField has a new AllowTabs property that will catch the Tab key to insert a tab character and Shift+Tab to remove a tab character.
AddedNoneGraffitiTextField has a new SpellCheck as Boolean = True property.
Added534GraffitiTextField has a new SelectedText as String property for getting/setting the currently selected text in the Value.
FixedNoneGraffitiAlert once again honors the GraffitiAlertMessage.CanOverflow property.
FixedNoneGraffitiColorPicker now uses RGBA values internally to improve reliability.
Fixed493GraffitiEditor’s Print toolbar button once again works as expected in Chromium-based browsers.
Fixed493GraffitiEditor updated to SunEditor 2.47.0 from 2.43.14.
Fixed511GraffitiEventManager now properly returns coordinates in mouse events when the application is running in Firefox.
Fixed510GraffitiGrid no longer fails to update cell values under some circumstances.
FixedNoneGraffitiGridRow will now properly handle setting Nil to CellStyle to clear applied styles.
FixedNoneGraffitiGridRow.ButtonIndicator is once again applied when the value is not WebSDKUIControl.Indicators.Default.
FixedNoneGraffitiPopover’s HeightChanged event is now more reliable when AdaptiveHeight = True.
Fixed519GraffitiSplitView no longer purports to be GraffitiCamera in the IDE’s designer.
Fixed515GraffitiTextField should once again honor property changes made in the Shown event.
Fixed515GraffitiTextField with Type = Search will once again operate as expected when the user clicks the “X” button and there are no autocomplete values provided to the control.
Fixed534GraffitiTextField.SelectionChanged event will now properly raise when the selection is empty.
ChangedNoneGraffitiColorPicker initialization routine modernized.
Changed496GraffitiGrid.Editor.PopupMenu style has been changed to better match the appearance of the row within which it resides.
ChangedNoneGraffitiUploader now calculates maximum file size in MB in the Xojo code to match the client-side JavaScript.
ChangedNoneGraffitiColorPicker.Selector property. See GraffitiColorPicker.SelectorType
ChangedNoneGraffitiColorPicker.Position property. See GraffitiColorPicker.DropdownPosition
Note515GraffitiTextField’s Autocomplete functionality should not be used with Type = Search due to a bug in Bootstrap and/or browser implementations. (See: