Table of Contents
Preview #

About #
GraffitiFontAwesome provides an easy to use button control for displaying interactive FontAwesome icons.
Requirements #
This class requires GraffitiSVG.Enumerations #
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Pressed | None | None | Raised when the user has pressed the button. |
Methods #
This class exposes no methods.
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BackgroundColor | ColorGroup | Nil | ColorGroup used for drawing the button’s face. When Nil, system colors are used. |
BackgroundColorHover | ColorGroup | Nil | ColorGroup used for drawing the button’s face while hovered. When Nil, system colors are used. |
BorderRadius | Integer | 8 | Radius of the button’s corners. |
Cancel | Boolean | False | When True, pressing the Escape key on this control’s window will raise the Pressed event. |
Default | Boolean | False | When True, pressing the Enter key on this control’s window will raise the Pressed event. |
IconName | String | “address-book” | Name of the FontAwesome icon to be drawn within the button. |
IconType | GraffitiFontAwesome.IconTypes | GraffitiFontAwesome.IconTypes.Regular | Icon type set from which the icon is to be drawn. |
Padding | Integer | 8 | Padding between the icon and the outer edge. |