Table of Contents
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
Icons | MoreText |
MoreParagraph | |
MorePlus | |
MoreHorizontal | |
MoreVertical | |
Redo | |
Undo | |
Bold | |
Italic | |
Underline | |
Strike | |
Subscript | |
Superscript | |
Erase | |
Indent | |
Outdent | |
Expansion | |
Reduction | |
SourceView | |
Preview | |
Template | |
LineHeight | |
ParagraphStyle | |
TextStyle | |
Save | |
BlockQuote | |
ArrowDown | |
AlignJustify | |
AlignLeft | |
AlignRight | |
AlignCenter | |
FontColor | |
HighlightColor | |
ListBullets | |
ListNumbers | |
HorizontalRule | |
ShowBlocks | |
Cancel | |
Image | |
Video | |
Link | |
Math | |
Unlink | |
Table | |
TableHeader | |
MergeCell | |
SplitCell | |
Caption | |
Edit | |
Delete | |
Modify | |
Revert | |
AutoSize | |
InsertRowBelow | |
InsertRowAbove | |
InsertColumnLeft | |
InsertColumnRight | |
DeleteRow | |
DeleteColumn | |
FixedColumnWidth | |
RotateLeft | |
RotateRight | |
MirrorHorizontal | |
MirrorVertical | |
Checked | |
LineBreak | |
Audio | |
ImageGallery | |
Bookmark | |
Download | |
Attachment | |
Map | |
MagicWand | |
EmptyFile | |
ValuePicture | |
ValueFontAwesome | |
ValueURL | |
ValueSVG | |
Types | Undo |
Redo | |
Template | |
Font | |
FontSize | |
FontColor | |
HighlightColor | |
LineHeight | |
Alignment | |
FormatBlock | |
StyleBlock | |
StyleSegment | |
Blockquote | |
Bold | |
Italic | |
Underline | |
Strike | |
Subscript | |
Superscript | |
RemoveFormat | |
Outdent | |
Indent | |
List | |
HorizontalRule | |
Table | |
Link | |
Image | |
Video | |
Audio | |
ShowBlocks | |
ViewSource | |
More | |
Save |
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Constructor | type as Types | None | Creates an instance of the Item class for built-in editor options. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
Icon | Icons | None | Built-in icon value, only applies to GraffitiEditorToolbarButton and GraffitiEditorToolbarMenu subclasses. |
Tag | Variant | Nil | Developer storage. |
Title | String | “” | Button tooltip value, only applies to GraffitiEditorToolbarButton and GraffitiEditorToolbarMenu subclasses. |
Type | Types | None | Type of item. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.