Table of Contents
Preview #
About #
GraffitiStepBar allows developers to present a flow display and control mechanism to their users.
Enumerations #
This product exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
This product exposes no constants.
Events #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
SelectionChanged | None | None | Raised after the user has pressed a step and the change is drawn. |
StepPressed | item as GraffitiStepBarItem | Boolean | Raised when the user has pressed a step. Return True to cancel the change. |
Methods #
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Add | item as GraffitiStepBarItem | None | Adds a new step to the control. |
AddAt | index as Integer item as GraffitiStepBarItem | None | Adds a new item to the control at the specified index. |
IndexOf | item as GraffitiStepBarItem | Integer | Returns the index of the specified item within the control’s internal array. |
ItemAt | index as Integer | GraffitiStepBarItem | Returns the item as the specified index within the control’s internal array. |
LastIndex | None | Integer | Returns the index of the last item within the control’s internal array. |
RemoveAll | None | None | Removes all items. |
RemoveAt | index as Integer | None | Removes the item at the specified index. |
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
AllowNavigation | Boolean | False | Determines whether use presses are processed. |
BackgroundColorActive | ColorGroup | Nil | Customize the background color of items that are selected. |
BackgroundColorInactive | ColorGroup | Nil | Customize the background color of items that are not selected. |
BorderColor | ColorGroup | Nil | Color used to draw the border of the control. |
BorderRadius | Double | 0 | Radius of the control’s outside corners. Automatically corrects to (Max(Width, Height) / 2) – 1 is a value too large has been supplied. |
BorderSize | Double | 0 | Pen size used to draw the control’s border. |
DescriptionColorActive | ColorGroup | Nil | Color applied to the DescriptionText of steps that are selected. |
DescriptionColorInactive | ColorGroup | Nil | Color applied to the DescritpionText of steps that are not selected. |
DescriptionTextFont | String | “System” | Font face used to draw DescriptionText of steps. |
DescriptionTextSize | Integer | 0 | Font size used to draw DescriptionText of steps. |
DescriptionTextStyle | GraffitiControlCanvas.FontStyles | FontStyles.None | Style of font used (regular, bold, italic). |
HasBorder | Boolean | True | Determines whether a border is drawn around the outsize of the control. |
ItemsHaveShadow | Boolean | True | Determines whether a shadow is drawn to the right of items to better differentiate steps. |
PointWidth | Integer | 20 | Width of the point at the right edge of steps. |
SelectedItem | Integer | -1 | Index of the currently selected item. |
TitleColorActive | ColorGroup | Nil | Color applied to the TitleText of steps when they are selected. |
TitleColorInactive | ColorGroup | Nil | Color applied to the TitleText of steps when they are not selected. |
TitleTextFont | String | “System” | Font face used to draw the TitleText of steps. |
TitleTextSize | Integer | 0 | Font size used to draw the TitleText of steps. |
TitleTextStyle | GraffitiControlCanvas.FontStyles | FontStyles.None | Style of font used (regular, bold, italic). |