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About #

Items for display within GraffitiStepbar

Enumerations #


Constants #

This product exposes no constants.

Events #

This product exposes no events.

Methods #

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
ConstructorActiveIcon as Picture
InactiveIcon as Picture
TitleText as String
DescriptionText as String
NoneCreates a new instance of the class.
ConstructorIcon as PictureNoneCreates a new instance of the class.
ConstructorIcon as Picture
TitleText as String
DescriptionText as String
NoneCreates a new instance of the class.
ConstructorTitleText as String
DescriptionText as String
NoneCreates a new instance of the class.

Properties #

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
BackgroundColorActiveColorGroupNilCustomize the background color of item when selected.
BackgroundColorInactiveColorGroupNilCustomize the background color of item when not selected.
DescriptionString“”Text displayed within the step below the title.
DescriptionColorActiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the DescriptionText of step when selected.
DescriptionColorInactiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the DescritpionText of step when not selected.
IconActivePictureNilIcon drawn within the step when selected.
IconInactivePictureNilIcon drawn within the step when not selected.
TextAlignmentGraffitiStepBarItem.AlignmentsAlignments.LeftAlignment of the contents of the item.
TitleString“”Text drawn as the title of item.
TitleColorActiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the TitleText of steps when they are selected.
TitleColorInactiveColorGroupNilColor applied to the TitleText of steps when they are not selected.