Enumerations #
Name Values Locales EN DE ES IT NL RO RU ToolbarPositions Bottom Top Views Calendar Clock Months Years Decades
Constants #
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition Parameters Return Type Description FocusLost None None Raised when the user has moved focus from the input field. FocusReceived None None Raised when the input field has received focus. MouseEnter None None Raised when the mouse has entered the input field’s display area. MouseExit None None Raised when the mouse has been moved to outside the input field’s display area. PickerHidden None None Raised when the picker popup has been hidden. PickerShown None None Raised when the picker popup has been shown. ValueChanged None None Raised when the user has changed the current value via the picker. ViewChanged field as Fields None Raised when the user has changed the current view via the picker.
Methods #
Definition Parameters Return Type Description DisableDate date as DateTime None Disables selection of the specified date. DisableDayOfWeek day as Integer None Disables the specified day of the week. Expects zero-based index beginning with Sunday. DisableHours hour as Integer None EnableDate date as DateTime None Enables selection of a previously disabled date. EnableDayOfWeek day as Integer None Enables selection of a previously disabled day. EnableHour hour as Integer None Enables selection of a previously disabled hour. PickerHide field as Fields None Hides the picker popup. PickerShow field as Fields None Shows the picker popup. PickerToggle field as Fields None Toggles the picker popup’s visibility.
Properties #
Name Type Default Value Description CanViewCalendar Boolean True When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. CanViewClock Boolean True When False, the clock switch icon will not be displayed in the toolbar, barring the user from editing the time. CanViewDate Boolean True When False, the date switch icon will not be displayed in the toolbar, barring the user from exiting the time picker. CanViewDecades Boolean True When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. CanViewMonth Boolean True When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. CanViewYear Boolean True When False, the user will not be allowed to enter this view by navigating in the picker popup’s header. Format String “” Format applied to values in the picker’s input area. See Moment.js Docs HasButtonClear Boolean True When False, the clear button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. HasButtonClose Boolean True When False, the close button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. HasButtonToday Boolean True When False, the today button will not appear in the picker popup toolbar. HasTimeHours Boolean True Controls visibility of this component of the selector. HasTimeMeridiem Boolean True Controls visibility of this component of the selector. HasTimeMinutes Boolean True Controls visibility of this component of the selector. HasTimeSeconds Boolean True Controls visibility of this component of the selector. HasWeekNumbers Boolean False When True, week numbers will be displayed to the right of each week in the calendar day chooser. IconClear String “fas fa-trash” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconClose String “fas fa-times” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconDate String “fas fa-calendar” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconDown String “fas fa-arrow-down” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconNext String “fas fa-chevron-right” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconPrevious String “fas fa-chevron-left” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconTime String “fas fa-clock” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconToday String “fas fa-calendar-check” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IconUp String “fas fa-arrow-up” FontAwesome 5 icon to display at this position. IndicatorFieldEnd WebUIControl.Indicators Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to the component’s field. IndicatorFieldStart WebUIControl.Indicators Default Bootstrap indicator to apply to the component’s field. Locale Locales Locales.EN Pre-built locale to use for display text. Maximum DateTime Nil Maximum date/time that can be selected. Minimum DateTime Nil Minimum date/time that can be selected. ShowSideBySide Boolean False When True, the date and time pickers will be shown side-by-side in the popup. StyleButton GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle applied to the button within the control’s primary UI. StyleField GraffitiStyle Nil GraffitiStyle applied to the field within the control’s primary UI. ToolbarPlacement ToolbarPositions Bottom Location of the toolbar in the picker’s popup. ValueEnd DateTime Nil Current value of the component. ValueStart DateTime Nil Current value of the component. View Views Calendar Current view of the component. ViewEndValue (READONLY) DateTime Nil The starting date of the ending picker’s current view. ViewStartValue (READONLY) DateTime Nil The starting date of the starting picker’s current view.
Examples #
Closing on Selection #
If you wish to close the picker on selection of the end date in the range, you can use the following code to accomplish this in the ValueChanged event:
if me.ValueEnd <> nil then me.PickerHide
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.