Table of Contents
Enumerations #
Name | Values |
This class exposes no enumerations.
Constants #
Name | Type | Value |
This class exposes no constants.
Events #
Definition | Parameters | Description |
This class exposes no events.
Methods #
Definition | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
This class exposes no methods.
Properties #
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
FillColor | Color | &c0000ff | Color used to chart area. |
HasFillColor | Boolean | False | If False the chart will have no background color. |
HasHoverHighlight | Boolean | True | When True, hovering over the chart will cause a change in the data point highlight color. |
HasHoverHighlightColor | Boolean | False | When True, the HoverHighlightColor value will be used for highlighting hovered data points. |
HasRangeMaximum | Boolean | False | When True, the RangeMaximum property will dictate the highest possible displayed value for the chart. |
HasRangeMinimum | Boolean | False | When True, the RangeMinimum property will dictate the lowest possible displayed value for the chart. |
HasTooltips | Boolean | True | Controls whether tooltips will be displayed for data points/areas. |
HoverHighlightColor | Color | &c000000 | Color used when hovering over a data point or area. |
IsInteractive | Boolean | True | Mouse interaction will have no effect on display when False. |
LineColor | Color | &c0000ff | Color used to draw lines in the display. |
LocaleDecimal | String | “.” | Character used when formatting double values. |
LocaleThousands | String | “,” | Character used when formatting double values. |
LocaleThousandsCount | Integer | 3 | Number of characters in between thousands separators. |
RangeMaximum | Integer | -1 | Maximum value range displayed. |
RangeMinimum | Integer | -1 | Minimum value range displayed. |
TooltipFormat | String | “” | String used to customize tooltip display (Reference). |
TooltipTitle | String | “” | String to display at the top of tooltips. |
Examples #
This class currently has no examples.
Notes #
This class currently has no notes.