
Enumerations #

Name Values
This class exposes no enumerations.

Constants #

Name Type Value
RepeatDaily Integer 0
RepeatMonthly Integer 2
RepeatNever Integer -1
RepeatWeekly Integer 1
RepeatYearly Integer 3

Events #

Definition Description
This class exposes no events.

Methods #

Definition Parameters Return Type Description
Constructor sTitle as String None Creates an instance of the class with the parameters as property values.
dStart as Date
dEnd as Date = Nil
Constructor sTitle as String None
dStart as Date
dEnd as Date
iFrequency as Integer
iPeriod as Integer = 0
BGColor as Color = &c1111ff
Border as Color = &c1111ff
ForeColor as Color = &cffffff
UpdateDatabaseRecord None None Update the database record. You should always Try…Catch to ensure data integrity.

Properties #

Name Type Default Value Description
AllDay Boolean False Does this event last the entire day?
BackgroundColor Color &c3a87ad The background color of the event or series.
BorderColor Color &c3a87ad The border color of the event or series.
CanMove Boolean True Determines if the event can be moved by dragging.
CanResize Boolean True Determines if the event can be resized.
DatabaseAutoUpdate Boolean True When the event has been loaded from a RowSet, the component will automatically attempt to update the database row.
DatabaseRecord DatabaseRow Nil The DatabaseRow that this event was loaded from. Only set when loaded via AddRowSet.
DatabaseRowSet RowSet Nil The originating RowSet for this event’s DatabaseRecord.
DatabaseRowSetID Integer -1 The unique key for this row.
Description String “” A description of the event.
EndDate Date Nil The end date of the event.
ID Integer 0(Read-Only) The display ID of the event. This property should not be modified.
Location String “” The location where this event will take place (IE: “Joe’s Country Kitchen”).
LockUpdate Boolean False When True, changes to the class properties will not propagate to its parent calendar.
RepeatFrequency Integer -1 The frequency in which the event should repeat, represented by one of the Repeat constants.
RepeatPeriod Integer 1 The period of the repeat, IE: 1 for every one (days/weeks/months).
StartDate Date Nil The beginning date/time for the event.
Tag Variant Nil A custom property for you to store identifiable or related data.
TextColor Color &cFFFFFF The text color used to display the event.
Title String “” The title for the event (IE: “Meeting With Joe”).
Tooltip String “” Tooltip to display when the user hovers their mouse over the event.

Examples #

There are currently no examples for this class.